This swimsuit set is a part of the "Spring" series, which follows the Rule of Three. Three swimsuits. Three sunglasses. Three...titles with the word 'Spring' in them...
This Slingshot swimsuit is a micro-bikini for Genesis 8 Females that comes with a pair of shades and a full-on texture expansion pack of 24 Iray Materials rolled into the base product.
The Spring series swimsuits have been created with one purpose in mind: encouraging robust levels of Vitamin D generation for G8F models in sunny scenes. But these swimsuits can be used elsewhere also I guess.
What you will get with this pack.
For Genesis 8 Females:
- Aria Shades
- Slingshot Bikini
- 28 Iray Material Presets for Aria Shades and Slingshot Bikini.
Promo created in DS Pro 4.12 with Iray. No post processing performed.
So this set is one of three swimsuit sets commissioned by a friend to use for some purpose or the other. It was made to be used in Daz Studio for some quick renders but I think it will be taken into Blender for some additional post work with the particle fluid systems eventually.
Click >>>over here<<< to head to the product page for more promos and additional details.
And I have listed this swimsuit set as a Renderosity Prime product, and that means you can grab the entire pack for a very nominal fee. So, enjoy