Wallet: 39,750 PD
Full Name: Delilah Oddyny
Nickname: Dee
Age: 27
Height: 4ft, 10in.
Occupation: Livestock Farmer (Mareep/Cotton production)
Birthday: June 22nd
Best Quality: Patience
Worst Quality: Stubborness
Starter: Mareep
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pokemon: Petilil
Favorite PKMN type: Grass
Likes: Warm Weather, Apples, Fuzzy Fabric, Star gazing, Gardening, Small Gatherings
Dislikes: Cold Weather, Heights, Eating Meat, Egotistical People
|| + Loyal || + Friendly || Quiet || Workaholic || - Overly Stubborn || - Overly Selfless ||
While a rather reserved sort of person when it comes to large openings/events, she wouldn't exactly just ignore someone if they came up for conversation. Dee prefers peace and quiet over loud bustling places, which probably influenced her decision to take a more rural job. She also has a bad tendency to put other people(or pokemon) before herself, and often overworks herself, though of course never to extreme standards.
Darcy: Her next door neighbor. She can often be seen chasing him from her farm with a pitchfork.
Zeph : Her Neighbor's twin. Seems to get along with him well, and often buys flowers from his shop to put in her garden.
Kenny : A Pokemon Professor she doesn't know very well, but has seen from time to time. She'd like to get to know him better
Fun Facts!
Dee is a vegetarian, and doesn't eat meat as she doesn't enjoy the taste of it.
She once considered a career in plant based medicine and healing methods, before deciding to become a rancher.
The ranch Dee lives on is called "Silva Fields"!
Before becoming a rancher, Dee was a maid for a wealthy family.
Dee doesn't have a family outside of her Ranch.
She actually quite enjoys cooking, and will usually end up making anyone who visits something to eat.
Meta lv. 45
Macaroni lv. 6
Felix lv. 35
Charm lv. 14
Caleb lv. 9
Jangamo-o lv. 1
In The Feilds
Halberd lv. 1
Chikorita lv. 1
Petilil lv. 1
Herb lv. 7 - Darcy
Penne lv.12 - Kenny
1x Pokeball
1x Ultraball
1x Thunderstone
1x Rare Candy
1x Apple Blossom
(Worth 3 friendship)
Event Items
No RPs currently active. Rps are opened upon request.
-Old Application -
All Pokemon are models from the Pokemon X and Y games