Sumlax — Suratayna

Published: 2020-07-07 16:03:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 1039; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 0
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Description Auchenophis dactylodontus

7 m
A serpentine creature inhabiting only the warmest and most fertile regions of the misty desert, suratayna has a ridiculously small torso, shorter than either its muscular little tail or the large gill-sacks equipped with protective anti-dust flaps.  Most of its body consists of a hypertrophied neck topped with a small armored head. Its unusually articulated vertebrae and even the skull itself allow it to extend even further. The dorsal spikes allow for some protection, arms and front legs are reduced to little sensory orbs, while back legs serve only to lift its pelvis off the ground when laying eggs. Its skin is very smooth and covered in a waxy substance to reduce friction, and its tactile sense is very well developed - unlike the eyes, ears and radars.
Suratayna is cold-blooded and lives for decades, although its very vulnerable to freezing.

It is one of the apex predators of its environment, but a very specialized one - its whole anatomy is designed for probing burrows. Since there is usually not enough space to move its large jaws, it developed a rather terrifying method of consuming prey. Its entire mouth cavity is covered in movable teeth, being essentially an extension of the long, many-chambered aspirator. These teeth can simply grab prey and push it further and further through this meat-shredding tunnel until a fine paste is delivered to the indistinct primary stomach.

Surataynas may live in groups of two to five when food is abundant, but are usually solitary, patrolling a territory of about 4 square km. Even while its head is deep underground, it can easily detect danger and defend itself with its tail and back spikes, though its main attack is crushing the opponent with its neck. These pseudosnakes use an assortment of sound to communicates across large distances.

Every year the female finds a suitable burrow (successful nests are reused) to lay a few small, dark, leathery eggs. A potential mate is tested in a ritual neck fight, and the male usually stays to assist with guarding the nest and feeding the young. The young metamorphose after 4 months (at 1m long), but may stay with the same-sex parent for 2-3 additional years. They become independent when about 2.5 m long, sexually mature at 12 years old, and reach max size around 30.

Many jadong myths describe a colossal suratayna that reaches into the underworld to feed on demons, but also inadvertently opens a way outside for the ones that avoided its shredding teeth.

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ArgentDandelion [2020-10-05 19:17:33 +0000 UTC]

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eel227 [2020-07-08 01:19:58 +0000 UTC]

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