SHES FINALLY HERE and all thanks to Midori for making her from scratch and Hula for optimizing the model ! TYSM
SO a little bit about her, she is a ghost and has a twin (he will make a debut probably NOT soon)
Dreka is a revamped version of my old persona/mascot, Sakebi. Major changes because:
The old design makes my stomach ache
It would be confusing to refer to myself (sakebi/succebi) and my mascot (who was also sakebi). So I had to change her name as well
That's all, adieu~
X credits X
Character belongs to me (succi-c)
Made from scratch by midoricheesecake (check out her post )
Optimized by Hulasemoos
mdql (AbSSAO by GNX2)
わたり (RewriteAlpha)
Mfakane (RaCToon by RavAndCheese )
sovoro (ObjectLuminous)