Comments: 154
knotbox In reply to squidlarkin [2007-01-31 23:21:37 +0000 UTC]
Wish I had an older sibling who could make me seem like an angel. =__= ah well, we can't all be blessed with such.
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knotbox In reply to squidlarkin [2007-02-01 01:54:20 +0000 UTC]
oh really? Hah, how many years are you too apart?
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squidlarkin In reply to knotbox [2007-02-01 15:11:17 +0000 UTC]
One and a half years, but he was always two years behind me in school. How about you? Are you an only child?
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knotbox In reply to squidlarkin [2007-02-02 01:59:07 +0000 UTC]
My younger brother is six years younger than me. Almost exactly, we have very close birthdays.
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neutrinoflavor In reply to ??? [2006-12-28 23:21:36 +0000 UTC]
Dear god, this is TOO cute! I love it!! XD
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Stormful In reply to ??? [2006-12-20 19:49:12 +0000 UTC]
HOLY CRAP! Damn thats good xD
[instant fav]
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LittleHikari In reply to squidlarkin [2006-11-20 20:15:03 +0000 UTC]
No prob about the fave! an um just wandering without no spoilers how many hours is it roughly to complete Okami?? i ;/ i'm hoping its not short.
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LittleHikari In reply to squidlarkin [2006-11-23 13:28:22 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the info !! I just done 10hours of Okami XD
and wowiee i'm not sure if i should ask XD but collecting stray beads is that worth it?
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RenegadeMustang In reply to LittleHikari [2007-12-06 03:01:38 +0000 UTC]
Little Hikari, I'm up to 20 hours, I've just barely started looking for the canine warriors, and I doubt I've found all of the little niches in the game as it is.
The fishing alone is addicting. x3 Hehe, I borrowed my copy...don't think my friend's getting it back soon.
As for the stray beads, well, SPOILER BELOW!!!
You pretty much become invincible. I don't even remember the specifics. Like, unlimited ink and health and all that nice stuffs. I'm working more on getting every ounce of praise I can (grr blooming 1 praise trees....stingy trees) so I can't really say I've focused on it much.
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squidlarkin In reply to LittleHikari [2006-11-23 19:26:51 +0000 UTC]
lol I have about 60 of the 100 stray beads right now, so I don't really know if it's worth it yet. I could look it up, but I like the fun of trying to find their location without help. I also like not knowing what happens when you get them all. ^^
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LittleHikari In reply to squidlarkin [2006-11-23 20:44:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for sharing ur knowledge I love Okami so much ^^ Just got to the bit when u actually get in the moon cave place and pretend to be a imp lol
Goodluck on finding the beads ^^ u can do it!
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LittleHikari In reply to squidlarkin [2006-11-25 20:30:06 +0000 UTC]
LOL i drew A cartoony ogre lol but i love it so much!! sorry i'm probably boring u now on this topic >_< what other games do u like playing?
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LittleHikari In reply to squidlarkin [2006-11-26 20:13:01 +0000 UTC]
Yay on Okami! i just reached the first city now XD just wandering but how can u raise 100,000?? i've seen some of the moves u can learn and they cost alot >_<
hows bead hunting?
and wowiee awesome list! and hey it dosen't matter if the game u love is no popular u don't have to follow the crowd if u like it/enjoy it personally thats what matters most
Ok the games i love XD umm zelda, Final Fantasy, monkey island, shadow of collossous, donkey konga , guitarhero, Pikmin, mario series, Lylat wars, umm i can go on lol but currently in love with the ds and ds games i own XD
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squidlarkin In reply to LittleHikari [2006-11-29 18:20:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh! Me and my roommate got about 8 more stay beads yesterday! Though we decided to start looking up their location online if we spend an hour trying to find the bead and can't. >_< I feel like a cheater now >_>;
Those cat statues drove me insane when I didn't know what they were for... >_< Actually, I think the next brush stroke you learn is the one that lets you use those things! It's not much of a spoiler, they just let you climb walls.
Man, that emperor level weirded me out. o_o I never like those video game levels where you have to go inside people >_<
But I totally want to hear about good DS games! I've been playing Children of Mana lately. I like it, but personaly I think it's not as good as the other Mana games. But I have Mario Kart DS! I don't have any other friends that have a DS, so I can't play it with other people. ;.; If you're interested, my friend code is 227710 339246, though I haven't been able go play online cuz I moved lately and there's no Wifi. >_< The only other game I have is Super Princess Peach, which is awesome.
Hey, do you have AIM? If you do and ever want to IM me, my AIM SN is squidlarkin24 ^^
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LittleHikari In reply to squidlarkin [2006-12-06 20:22:13 +0000 UTC]
Whoot sorry for the slooooow reply >_<
Hows the beads going?? and to be honest most people cheat in games - to save time etc ^^ I would resort to cheating if i got really stuck i remeber i did that for other games.
And yeah! i just moved on in OKami now XD now up in the northlands XD all snowy and still so pretty- thanks for tellinng me about teh Cat statues XD i have got that power now. Just wandering but i viisted that Bomb guy in the hut where u first learn the cherry bomb but he just lies there >_< how do u motivate him- i keep drawing bombs but nothing happens.
Children of mana is a classic! I can't wait to play FF on teh DS XD do u also import DS games>??> and whoot yeah thanks for the Mk code!! I'll tell u mine when i find it out - haven't been on wi-fi for awhile now..
And yeah i do have Aim XD it's SakuraLam1988 please add me to ur list I'm adding u XD
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teiru In reply to ??? [2006-11-16 15:54:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow! That's amazing, *wags tail* looks just like him! *envious of your skills* So +faving this one.
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Kuwaizair In reply to ??? [2006-11-13 04:35:03 +0000 UTC]
wow, so tiny
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project-harajukuV2 In reply to ??? [2006-11-06 08:41:43 +0000 UTC]
zomg Waka yaaaaay!
Au revoir , ma chere! *giggle*.
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GoldenCanadian In reply to ??? [2006-11-03 07:16:50 +0000 UTC]
Dude! Tiny purple hakama! Amazing!
Now I want to play that game even more...
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Ohma In reply to ??? [2006-11-02 19:47:22 +0000 UTC]
OMG you've finished him! <3
He's SOOOOO cute (and I love the detail on his cute little feet)
But he dosen't have his eyebrows! I forgive you though, It'd be a pain in the ass to cut felt circles that small...and they're practically invisible in the game anyway.
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miaki In reply to ??? [2006-11-01 09:17:06 +0000 UTC]
WAKA!! that's so frickin awesome. yay Waka! <33333 i want one
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squidlarkin In reply to miaki [2006-11-01 16:38:16 +0000 UTC]
XD Thank you! The only problem is... his head isn't attached very well. >_>; I'm afraid that it might fall off one day...
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Rushifa In reply to ??? [2006-11-01 07:48:45 +0000 UTC]
lol, you totally rock! I'm glad you finished him, he's totally fucking awesome. And you know he watches you when you, yeah, I'm waiting for midnight to come, so I can start Nano, then go off to sleepy time...yay, crazy...
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ElyssaWecera In reply to ??? [2006-11-01 03:41:56 +0000 UTC]
Awwwww how cute, I wish I had one X3
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