Talni , belongs to ThorinFrostclaw
Mulberry , belongs to SpookyWonders
Following An Oath's Fulfillment Talni makes a call for any nearby Loners, one that just so happens to call to Mulberry's attenion. While he didn't care much about the deeper details of this upcoming battle, he would join the fight. If there was one thing the Loner loved it was a good battle and it seemed like these wolves could use the help. These strange wolves had even been a bother to him since he stepped into the Domain. While he'd make sure he got something out of it too since he was offering his services, this seemed like this was a win-win situation.
This was a collab between myself and the insanely wonderful Thorin
For this collab; Thorin did that absolutely beautiful sketch, colors and background! While I did the lines and shading!
Thank you so much for working with me Thorin, it was absolutely lovely!
(c) Art and Talni: ThorinFrostclaw
(c) Art and Mulberry: SpookyWonders