SpikyDangerousFlower — Star Showdown Revenge (AIB Fanart)

#aib #lava #revenge #spore #starwars #tumbleweed #starwarsday #maythe4th #maythefourth #animatedinanimatebattle #maythe4th2024 #starwarsday2024 #maythefourth2024
Published: 2024-05-04 08:33:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 1300; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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According to last year's poll , viewers voted for Tumbleweed the most. So the winner of the poll does his best: pushes Spore to the lava.
If you're wondering, the deviation is identical to the AIB 4.1 thumbnail, except Cinnamon Bun is replaced with Spore.

Tumbleweed, Spore, and Animated Inanimate Battle ©️
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