Spikeanator — NGN: Special Talent

Published: 2018-11-09 18:56:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 228; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description From BubaIuv 's NGN

Fungi might not be able to talk, but he loves music. He plays his guitar and plays in a band that travels Equestria.

Because of his mother's friendship with Applejack, he hangs out with Hoedown often. Once, when Hoedown was having one of her hissy-fits, he started playing his guitar, trying to calm her down. He even tried to sing some words, even if they were just sounds that couldn't form words. She stopped whining, utterly astounded by the music. After the song finished, she discovered that she had gained her cutie mark.

Hoedown now has a childhood crush on Fungi.

MLP belongs to Hasbro
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