SniperGirl0907 — Seashine

Published: 2010-11-10 22:36:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 7779; Favourites: 252; Downloads: 0
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Description I've had this one on the back burner for a long while, it was one of the projects I had to put on hold when I got word of my Grandad's condition going down hill; but today I was able to finish this one, & boy isn't she a little silver darling! X3 I did wonder if the name 'Seascream' would work, but then I came round to my senses and threw in 'shine' instead! XD



Gender: femme

Fraction: the 9 (Autobot paramilitary battalion)

Class: Techno-Organic

Function: Sub-Aquatic reconnaissance scout

Alt mode: Unknown, possible dolphin/fish/alien hybrid

Primary Weapons: Synthetic venom, sapphire ember blast, Hydro-kinesis, sonic scream, bioluminescence, electro-magnetic pulse fins.


As one of the younger members of the 9, Seashine was specially created to be part of the unit’s unique inter-planetary team for underwater operations on worlds with a high abundance of water on their surface; her techno organic body boasts one of the highest organic/mechanical ratio’s of any techno-organic cybertronian, with over 75% of her systems being based on a carbon-based cellular structure. This enables her to easily adapt to any aquatic conditions with the fluidity of higher organic life-forms, anything from polar to tropical, from abyssal to surface and even coastal areas like cliff-faces and beaches are no problem for her to master, also, the lower half of her femme mode is specially constructed to become a tail for swimming and transform into a pair of legs for easy access on land.

Despite being highly proficiently built for aquatic warfare, Seashine is hardly the fighting type; she’d much rather spend her time swimming and playing, horsing around with the native wildlife, and playing some more. Like most sea creatures she loves music and loves to sing, she loves making friends with anyone who loves swimming and because she’s a techno-organic she loves eating organic food. So it came as no surprise that when she first arrived on earth, she thought she had died and gone to the well of all-sparks! Rather than spend time training for combat, Seashine likes to spend her time chasing after boats and ships, playing around with any diver’s, surfers or swimmer’s she comes across (though for most it’s more of a shock than fun, considering her femme mode is over 15 feet long) and when she’s hungry she can never get enough sushi!

When it comes to being around other cybertronians Seashine is often uncomfortable and uneasy, being a techno-organic, she’s aware how different she looks and is often worried about being made fun of, if not being the butt end of someone’s (unimpressive) joke. It’s not surprising then that she much prefers to be around humans as her ‘organic’ approach to life allows her to relate to them much easier than her own kind. But as well as humans Seashine is also able to communicate with most species of whale and dolphin, this might be because of the spliced dolphin DNA in her system format; but at any rate, Seashine can interact with whales and dolphins so efficiently that whenever the opportunity arises she loves to teach both humans and cetaceans how to get along peacefully, unsurprisingly it often turns into quite a party! Seashine can be a somewhat naive at times and can sometimes end up ‘not getting it’, she also has a quirky habit of collecting colourful and shiny things and hoarding them away, she also knows every human sea-shanty word for word and is always stops to rescue humans in distress at sea.


She may not possess missiles, guns or lazar cannon’s, but Seashine is more than capable of defending herself when caught in the middle of a fight; she possesses the unique power of hydro-kinesis, the ability to control water and bend it to her will; she can do anything from creating shapes and forms to huge tsunami sized waves and water spouts and even rain, she can even control the temperature of water, from freezing it into ice to boiling it into steam, she can even go so far as to control the water content in any organic life form’s body, but this causes pain to the life form so she never does it unless there is no other choice, but there is an exception in as much she can extract any poisonous fluids from out of someone’s body and even ‘harmonize’ the flow of body energy by ‘soothing’ the water content by gently controlling how it flows in the body and all its systems, sort of like acupuncture but without the needles. Seashine has a very powerful set of both vocal cords and vocalizer, her more powerful form of attack is the sonic scream, where she can scream so loud that the sound wave’s generated can shatter concrete like glass and seriously damage an enemy Decepticon’s circuitry; in addition she can also generate sonar that can carry far over long distances both under and above water, enabling her to see through pitch blackness and non-visible conditions. When in femme mode, the tips of her barbed shoulder fins are highly venomous; they contain special synthetic venom that can paralyze a cybertronian’s circuits when injected straight into an energon line, since Seashine isn’t keen on fighting using her venom is her most common form of defence. In Addition to her femme mode’s defence’s, the long tentacle-like fins that trail behind her are actually organically modified EMP generators, like a torpedo rays fins, she can generate a sharp and powerful electro-magnetic pulse that can stun her enemy’s into stasis-lock on physical contact or if they come within a 30 foot radius of her. The opal like gem on her breast plating enables her to fire a blast of concentrated lazar energy in a spray of vivid blue ‘embers’, her sapphire ember blast. Her long soft silky ‘hair’ is acctually comprised of thousends and thousends of tiny fibre-optic threds that act as tentacles when gathered into bangs, at the base of each ‘hair is a tiny sythetic gland that produces multicoloured bioluminessence and can release it in both small and huge amount for decoying and confusing the enemy, intrestingly, when she’s underwater the bioluminessance is produced as a liquid but when on land it comes out as a gas.

It should be nothed that the gas form of the bioluminessence has a somewhat unusual effect on humans; the gas, while compleatly non-poisonus to the human system, is easily metabolized into the body when inhaled, the gas particles then end up being distributed around the body and deposited in areas where fluids are commonly secreted and expelled, so anyone who breaths in the gas might find (much to the great surprise) that their tears, sweat, saliva and urine glows in the dark! And even the fluid content of the eye balls can become saturated in bioluminessence, enabling the human in question to see in the dark for short periods of time with multicoloured glowing eyes! But with the gas’s metabolization, the body is able to break the gas’s chemical compound down and expel it out with the rest of the bodys waste within 24 hours.

Seashines altmode is somewhat of an annomily, no-one can say for certain just what the animal she transforms into is, but it is confirmed that it possesses a certain level of dolphin and fish DNA; the huge ‘mane on its neck and back are acctually a kind of high density ‘cloud’ caperble of creating rain, waves, tsumani’s malestroms, water spouts and even miniture hurricanes. The four gems studded on her head shild can both magnify her sonar into poweral sonic beams caperble of blasting away partically anything and generate a powerful protective force field shield. Her altmode is over 28 feet long and caperble of swimming at speeds in access of over 73 mph!


Disclaimer: Seashine is mine! Ask before you use please!
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Comments: 26

PG1224 [2019-05-17 00:37:20 +0000 UTC]

So techno-organics are basically human/cybertronian hybrids

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turmanidze [2018-12-15 12:41:05 +0000 UTC]

well i hope you know other seashine from game

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SonicandKaijuArt [2017-09-12 22:19:27 +0000 UTC]

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SaphiraLuxray405 [2016-03-30 18:50:47 +0000 UTC]

Seashine is so cute and beautiful! She shouldn't be self conscious about what she is, she should embrace her Techno-Organicness and hang out with the other Cybertronians! 🙌

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minecraftcakebaker [2014-09-05 00:00:30 +0000 UTC]

OoO This is amazing!!!

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FoxAircurrent [2011-07-25 22:20:56 +0000 UTC]

so awesome

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MissJazznarka [2011-07-11 00:46:59 +0000 UTC]

WOW that is the most gorgeous tf Oc I have ever SEEN!
You have obviousley put a lot of work into her, I mean WOW you have an awesome Bio up for her

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atram95 [2011-07-10 16:03:45 +0000 UTC]

Is Wonderful!! I love it!!
Great Job!!

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Seri-goyle [2011-07-10 14:27:11 +0000 UTC]

She's absolutely beautiful, and I like your techspec profile for her, very well thought-out.

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Czarkova [2011-07-10 03:52:30 +0000 UTC]

HOLY EPIC. Very nice!

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oOSnowCroweOo [2011-06-21 21:32:38 +0000 UTC]

She's very beautiful, I really love her colors.

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lady-warrior [2010-12-17 15:00:46 +0000 UTC]

that's beautiful!

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TheBlueTrickster [2010-11-22 15:44:05 +0000 UTC]

O3O Now that's one pretty femme!!!!

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Ty-Chou [2010-11-15 01:40:10 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that is a really interesting character design. Quite complex.

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loaves [2010-11-12 21:24:03 +0000 UTC]

The colors of this are so gorgeous! her design is very intricate and from the profile of her it's obvious you spent a lot of time and thought into this character. Kudos!

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REDDISH-MUSE [2010-11-12 08:49:24 +0000 UTC]

She looks like an angel of the sea

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CuddlyLittlePurrrson [2010-11-12 01:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Yet another wonderful piece. I love it.

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TheLoneDucky [2010-11-12 00:28:01 +0000 UTC]


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Runael [2010-11-11 23:12:47 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome

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Oreobot [2010-11-11 13:55:01 +0000 UTC]

That's really neat. The artwork is lovely, too.

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Dippyschtick [2010-11-11 04:44:50 +0000 UTC]

So many pretty colors, I love the texture you use in your drawings, and your characters are always so creative >3<

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Fire-Redhead [2010-11-11 01:51:17 +0000 UTC]

Ooo! I love those lion fish-like fins she's got! A beautiful BW OC

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InUnImNonDis [2010-11-11 00:02:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah YEAH! Love the design! And the colors meld so well!

Ah- I'm a logic type o' guy so It's me saying a transtec type of feel to here possible transformation. Still very open and a drastic change to both modes... even without legs out!

And really extensive Bio ya got going! Solid stuff!

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plunger02 [2010-11-10 23:53:58 +0000 UTC]

wow she's gorgeous

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AleximusPrime [2010-11-10 23:12:30 +0000 UTC]

What a beautiful Transformer!

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MeliciaHunter [2010-11-10 22:47:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, what a lovley design. Seashine is so pretty. Awesome work.

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