Sky-Iark — Trickster Coyote

#coyote #gunnerkrigg #gunnerkriggcourt #tomsiddell
Published: 2019-03-09 18:35:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 286; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description Beloved trickster god.  So...storytime - Coyote witnessed the Great Creator create mankind...and, being the curious trickster he is, Coyote decides that he wants to try his hand at making humans.  However, for whatever reason, he busts up laughing in the process and fucks up.  As a result, he ended up creating beings known as Shadow People - also known as Glass-Eyed People. 

They saw that Coyote loved humans more, and developed a resentment towards them as a result.  It's to the point that...if one of their own does not share their hatred of humanity, that individual gets ousted.

Does Coyote know they hate humans?  Probably.  Is he going to do anything about it?  Probably not...unless there's something interesting in it for him.  Gods in all mythologies have massive egos, but it's usually the Tricksters that have it the worst...and Coyote is no exception.  I mean...at least he admits that it wasn't one of his proudest achievements, right?


To clarify, this is how the Coyote in Gunnerkrigg Court is portrayed...though a lot of the stories he tells take inspiration from actual stories.  

Gunnerkrigg Court © Tom Siddell
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Comments: 1

souletyler [2022-07-14 00:26:49 +0000 UTC]

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