Sketchman147 — Ice Star Reflection

Published: 2013-01-31 00:50:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 378; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 3
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Description One night, Plum decided to go out into the cold night. She went to a small park area where she found a frozen pond. She found a chair to sit on and began to take off her purple boots and putting on her pink lily ice skates. Plum made her way to the lake and began to skate. As she skates, she began to look down on the ice and began to see the map of the universe. The scene was like skating around the universe going from planet, star, comet, and every galaxy. Sometimes, Plum wished it would rain every day of the year, even during winter. But, for now, the only way to see the universe in front of her was to look down and see it before her very eyes.

This is my first official drawing for 2013. Continuing the life of universe loving Plum.

Drawing Material: Colored Pencils, Drawing Paper

"2013" - (Jarod Marchand/Sketchmen Studio) All Rights Reserved)
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