They captured him the day he left his parents. This fat man and his servants bound him with heavy chains, cut off his spikes and burned his flesh before putting the red hot armor pieces on him. He was forced to wait while they mogged him. The man praised himself for breaking a dragons spirit infront of his friends and other high ranking humans.
But Escariot's spirit never broke. He just kept waiting. For years he waited for his chance, bound, humiliated, hungry and while he waited his hatred grew. Then, while his so called master celebrated a huge party, having invited all of his friends and so many of other people, Esca saw his chance for revenge. They were drunk and over all those years his chains grew weak. So the dragon broke free. The master was the first to meet his fate by the huge teeth of the dragon. But the warm blood and flesh didn't ease his hunger. In his hatrted hunger and bloodlust the Dragon kept on killing everyone he saw and finally he engolved the house of the master in flames and flew away.
At least he wanted to fly but his body wasn't used to flying anymore and the weight of the armor kept him down. So Esca just walked and when he heard the hooves of horses rushing down the path towards the burning building, Esca decided that it was time to get on higher ground. So he kclimped up some huge boulders, while they started searching. And again: Escarioth waited...
This pic was based on a 20 year old piece. The first pic of my dragon Escarioth I ever drew to be precise. I decided to redraw it and to add a little backstory