shiroubases — MLP Base: Please forgive me...

Published: 2016-05-29 22:14:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 9376; Favourites: 245; Downloads: 575
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Resubmitted from my account Starlollipop. I made this base with previous authorization.

Credit Faith-Wolff for the original artwork.

Credit @ yaribases or :icon yaribases: (without spaces). If you do this, I will know you used my base thanks to the Mention System.
You don't have to ask to use it
You can frankendoll, as long as it's okay with the other artist
Take your time. Put at least some effort in your edit.
You can change genders and species if you'd like. That's why I made eyelashes removable.

Original: fav.me/d8rtsea by Faith-Wolff

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