Event Title: Shark Wrestling
Tokota's Import: Golden Goose WM217
Relevant Bonuses:
- Friendly Foe, Hardy, Natural Competitor, Thrill Seeker
- Borga Sprite, Chipmunk, Penguin
- Leg Protectors
Item Application: --
Tribemates: Nisse 57031
Faction: KS
Total Bonus Points: 55 (Raiders of the Lost), 40 (non-tribe)
Career Tracker: Career Tracker
Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Shinobu-desu's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Journal: Activity Tracker
Activity Item Application: --
Activity Code:--
Event Title: Shark Wrestling
Tokota's Import: Almond Cream Greg 56731
Relevant Bonuses:
Item Application: Coat Sheen, Whistle
Tribemates: Nisse 57031
Faction: KS
Total Bonus Points: 20
Career Tracker: Career Tracker
Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Shinobu-desu's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Event Title: Shark Wrestling
Tokota's Import: Írafár 53473
Relevant Bonuses:
- Natural Competitor
- Borga Sprite, Dumbo Octopus
- Leg Protectors
Item Application: Coat Sheen, Whistle
Tribemates: Nisse 57031
Faction: KS
Total Bonus Points: 45
Career Tracker: Career Tracker
Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Shinobu-desu's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Journal: Activity Tracker
Activity Item Application: --
Activity Code:--
Event Title: Shark Wrestling
Tokota's Import: Greg with Caterpillars 51309
Relevant Bonuses:
- Natural Competitor
- Borga Sprite, Dumbo Octopus
- Leg Protectors
Item Application: Coat Sheen, Whistle
Tribemates: Nisse 57031
Faction: KS
Total Bonus Points: 20
Career Tracker: Career Tracker
Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Shinobu-desu's Bonuses & Monthly Limits