ShadowKnil — September Breeze
Published: 2006-05-11 19:44:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 76; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description Wlaking in the September breeze,
I stop, to see the wonderful, colorful trees.
In my head, a song.
An ode to the wind.
A sonnet to the sky.
Notes fly about as words form.
Like a maelstrom.
Turning and tossing about.
In a jumbled but harmonic mess.
A smile crosses my face.
As thoughs cross my mind.
An ode to the wind.
A sonnet to the sky.
Getting myself away from my grief.
Giving a few seconds of order in chaos.
I stop to see the wonderful, colorful trees.
Then continue walkining.
Walking in the September breeze.
Singing a song.
An ode to the wind.
A sonnet to the sky.
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