CoRpUsMaStEr [2009-06-15 00:59:22 +0000 UTC]
it looks nice, i like the colors and the lighting dynamics, although, as ~decrepitude said, i think the glass should have more specular component, especially on the top cap, although on the outside surface of the glass i think it should be refracted sideways (like if the specular would be dragged onto the far side of the cup) because of the water (the water will reflect the light inside and send it back to the glass, refracted)
try filling up half a cup of water and pointing a little lantern to it, it's the best thing to do in theese cases
the light source should also be reflected by the glass (but don't give it any kind of lens flare, that would only be created by a camera lens), and even a bit of the fish's face should be reflected, because it will give a better sense of proximity and relative depth.
the left side of her face (which is in the shadow) should also receive some reflected caustics because the light is positioned above the water surface, and you could also slightly amplify the part of her body which is underwater, because water acts as an magnifier (although this does not seem a lighting issue, the amplification is created due to disturbance of photons' speed, while travelling through the water medium
the light from the fish that is further should also be more intense, because you gave it the same intensity as it's eyes, and that's not ok, as you see by the main fish, the light source it much more intense than it's eyes
and finally, i guess you could just add some particles reflecting the light on the outside of the glass, because underwater you always have lots of particles floating around, so you would see tiny white dots scattered around the glass, where the light hits it (and also around the light source, although these should seem like they are really floating around)
i hope you don't take this as over-criticized, you asked for some thoughts about this and i really liked the idea, so i decided to give you some things to think about, so you should do whatever you think is best
keep up on it
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Dartinurneck [2009-06-14 09:04:41 +0000 UTC]
The idea and subject matter is great, as well as the green hue through out the picure. whoo!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0