VII - King or the Peasant?
There’s always a pecking order, and it determines who gets first dibs and who gets the leftovers. Is your kukuri on top lording over their loaf, or getting pushed around just a bit too much even by the new pups?
° Draw or write how your kukuri asserted itself growing up - were they the pompous type to always kick others down, or were they always the one backing down and submissive?
Moments before a fight breaks out...
Haituva was always one to try to lead the others, and now she'd really want to go explore. Maroon isn't having any of it though, as she was never one to be ordered around by anone, and would rather just eat her blueberries in peace. And Nuppu... Well, Nuppu was a pup who wanted to please others and now she's stuck between two very different ideas of how to spend the evening (and honestly, she just wants to sleep unlike her dusk-active friends)
Haituva, Maroon and Nuppu belong to me
Art © Sankko
Kukuri © Unikeko