>>> G E N E R A L
name > Wolfpaw
prefix meaning > Wolf - Due to his pelt somewhat resemling that of a wolf's || suffix meaning > Paw - Standard prefix for an apprentice
previous names > Wolfkit
nicknames > n/a
clan > Cloudclan
rank > Apprentice
previous ranks > Kitten,
mentor > Lionstrike
apprentices > n/a
age > 6+
gender > Tom
sex > Male
sexuality > Asexual, homoromantic
>>> P H Y S I C A L
build > Wolfpaw is built strong and wide. The tiny definition of strong muscles is clear under his pelt and it's clear he's going to grow to be a larger cat when he hits warriorhood. It is also clear, that throughout his apprenticeship his muscles will become more defined.
fur description > The apprentice's fur is long and soft, but unkempt and tangled. While he could take the time out of his day to groom his pelt, he doesn't find the need to. Only when he's sharing togues does it look neat.
scars > n/a
height > 28 cm (full grown)
weight > 10.2 lbs (full grown)
voice > xxx
scent > Dried leaves
>>> P E R S O N A L I T Y
positive >
>> Ambitious > The fact that Wolfpaw wants to go far is no secret. Clearly he wants to rise above others and come out at the top as the clan leader, and he's very willing to do just about anything to get there. He is absolutely dedicated to this.
>> Driven > When Wolfpaw has set his mind to something he's not giving it up until he gets there. He will spend hours, and sometimes even days on one task until it's completed in just the way he wants.
>> Passionate > Passion is the fire that keeps him going. Every little thing Wolfkit chooses to do is something he's enthusiastic about, something he wants to do. The passion he has for wanting to be something greater helps him get through most things.
neutral >
>> Stubborn > Trying to sway his opinion on something is nearly impossible. Wolfpaw sticks to his beliefs and will stay with them (even if he knows they're wrong) if he's already voiced them. Admitting he's at fault makes him feel stupid and shameful, so why do it?
>> Confident > There is an intimidating boldness in everything Wolfpaw does, and that's because he's very confident in himself. Self-doubt is weakness and if there's one thing he isn't, it's weak.
>> Defensive > When challenged or questioned Wolfpaw will either completely shut down or argue his point back to the death. Fighting with him is difficult because his persistent stubbornness and his defensive nature make it hard for him to see the other side of any argument.
negative >
>> Snarky > Comebacks are a strong suit of Wolfpaw. They might not be the best thing to specialize in but if he needs a quick comeback or something smart to reply with, he has it. At least he'll never sound stupid, right?
>> Needy > Wolfpaw's constant need for attention and validation is kind of pathetic, but he seeks this everywhere he goes. Something that could quite certainly be his downfall is his dependence on other cats.
>> Arrogant > Arrogance comes along with his mostly nasty personality. He is confident and sure in himself, so much so that he is dead certain one day he'll make it to the top and become leader. This usually doesn't surface as much as his other nasty traits, but sometimes it's clear simply in how he views other cats and the world around him.
likes >
> Butterflys
> Nighttime
> Cuddle piles
> Attention
> Approval
dislikes >
> Confrontation
> Getting Scolded
> The heat
> Emotional cats
> Competition
>>> F A M I L Y
parents >
>> Olivescreech > Dark mackerel tabby molly with heavy white spotting and green eyes
"A darling cat, really, even though we don't always see eye to eye."
>> Ashspark > Classic light gray tabby tom with green eyes
"An admirable deputy and a wonderful father."
siblings >
>> Sleepykit > Gray classic tabby molly with heavy white spotting and green eyes.
"Obnoxious. Does she think some half-witted kitten is ever going to make it to the top? Naive."
>> Slugkit > Dark gray mackeral tabby tom with green eyes
"Intelligent but a bit of a pain, honestly."
>> Leafkit > Gray classic tabby tom with green eyes
"Ah my eldest brother, a gem, really. Smarter than I'd ever hope to be."
mate >
>> name > short description
kits >
>> name > short description
extended >
>> name > short description
>>> R O M A N T I C
mate > xxx
previous mates > xxx
romantic interests > romantic encounters / crushes / etc
looking for > fling / long term / etc
likes in a potential mate >
> Strong
> Ambitious
> Opinionated
dislikes in a potential mate >
> Submissive
> Messy
> Overly critical
interested in kits > yes / no
preferred family size > small / average / big
>>> S K I L L S
agility > stiff || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || agile > [ 4 / 10 ]
stealth > loud || ★★★★★★✩✩✩✩ || quiet > [ 6 / 10 ]
fighting > unskilled || ★★★★★★★✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 7 / 10 ]
hunting > unskilled || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]
tactics > unskilled || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]
speed > slow || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || fast > [ 5 / 10 ]
strength > weak || ★★★★★★★★★★|| strong > [ 10 / 10 ]
endurance > weak || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 5 / 10 ]
climbing > unskilled || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]
sight > poor || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || great > [ 5 / 10 ]
scent > weak || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 5 / 10 ]
hearing > poor || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || great > [ 5 / 10 ]
taste > weak || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 5 / 10 ]
den building > unskilled || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 3 / 10 ]
battle tactics > unskilled || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 3 / 10 ]
hunting tactics > unskilled || ★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 2 / 10 ]
kitting > unskilled || ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 0 / 10 ]
herbal knowledge > unskilled || ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 0 / 10 ]
compassion > heartless || ★★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || empathic > [ 6 / 10 ]
>>> H I S T O R Y
kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
Wolfpaw was born to Olivescreech and Ashspark in a litter of four. Despite the two not being mates Ashspark didn't leave the family, and is willing to father the kittens and be a part of their lives. He was born right as Cloudclan took heir territory back from the rogues, and while he was born in Hailclan he was quickly moved to his home clan when everything was settled.
In his camp he found himself showered in adoration by his family, which made him grow maybe too much of a big head and too much of a reliance on the attention he was given. Still, he remained goal-driven and loving towards his family members. Even friendly towards the other kittens that shared his den. Though as he watched them move onto apprenticeship he began to get his first taste of bitter jealousy.
kithood [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
Apprenticed to Lionstrike, Wolfpaw grew more full of himself. It is clear he is forming an attitude problem, though he tries to keep it in check out of fear of being corrected. His passionate drive to become something great one day still remains and he takes on any task given to him eagerly. There is a certain need he feels to show everyone he can go above and beyond on any task he attempts.
>>> L I N K S
roleplay tracker > tba
heart chart > tba
family tree > tba
Written Application @/vicstars
Application Art @/me colored in by @/Razztazz1