saairyrd — Oakclan || Frecklepaw

Published: 2016-01-16 13:09:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2001; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 2
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25/9/2016 - screech ok so - she's hit that lanky stage because she's finally hit her growth spurt !! She'll be almost average height when she finishes growing (for a female adult cat). But I still want to keep her just that tiny little bit under because why not? So I updated her application art again.
25/5/2016 - Updated application art and bio because as of this day, She's an apprentice! <3 I'm pretty excited.
7/2/2016 - added Redkit

Note to self - ; - Freckle was accepted into the group on the 16th of January, 2016, two moons before that she was born, on the 25th may she was apprenticed.

Basic Information

Name: Frecklepaw
  Meaning: She was given the name 'Freckle' for her off-white freckle like features on the bridge of her muzzle. She wears 'Paw' because it'st the traditional name for apprentices in training.
   Past names: Sophia, Frecklekit
     Future Names: Frecklelight, Freckletuft, Frecklenose, Frecklestep, Frecklepath, Freckletail, Etc, all suggestions lol.

Gender: Cis Female, identifies as female.
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor/Apprentice: Badgerpath
Skills: Frecklepaw is a really kind cat, and finds it easy to talk to people, making her great with helping. She also is very good at balancing, surprisingly. Even though she's got a pretty bad fear of heights, Frecklepaw has a really good ability to climb and balance ( she loves the feeling of being in the trees, thus giving her more confidence )
Weaknesses: Her small frame makes her quite a lot weaker than most kits, she is also very much an easy crying cat.

Book description:
A brown tabby she-cat with off-white markings on her paws, tail, chest, and freckles.
Detailed Description: Frecklepaw is a chocolate coloured she-cat, with tabby markings and faded legs. She has the faded in dark-chocolate face of a Siamese cat, and her ears are brown. Half of her toes, her tail tip, the bottom of her chest, belly, and also some freckles on her muzzle are a slightly peach/off-white colour. Although, as she developed, more freckles have began to grow and dot areas such as her back. The Oakclan molly has very long, curly fur with a soft touch to it. Her tail is quite short, and her frame is quite small. The kitten was the runt of her litter. She has somewhat Hazel coloured, somewhat amber eyes, that are very vibrant and striking. She has tiny paws and fluffy feathers.


Traits will be added as her character develops.

|| Kind ||
Synonyms - affectionate, loving, caring

"Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature"

|| Calm ||
Synonyms - mind, tranquil, soothing

"not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions"
*Note: Her calm trait only comes out in situations where it's best to stay calm: i.e: Attacks, patrols, conflict, etc, or tring to impress others. Otherwise, she's very, very emotional, and prefers to let out her feelings alone.

|| Imaginative ||
Synonyms - visionary, inspired, dreamy

"having or showing creativity or inventiveness"

|| Emotional ||
Synonyms - passionate, sentimental, sensitive

"subject to or easily affected by emotion"

|| Cry-baby ||
Synonyms - cowardly, reliant, weakling

"lacking courage"

|| Gullible ||
Synonyms - foolish, trusting, naive

"easily persuaded to believe something; credulous"


Before birth :
A lithe, tabby molly treaded through seemingly endless fields. Fawn was her name. The feline was heavily pregnant and searching for somewhere to stay. All alone with nobody to help her, the she-cat resorted to staying in a small, worn-down barn at the edge of the 'Clan-cat' territory. As snow battered the roof and it swayed, Fawn stayed in that barn and went out to stock up food when she got hungry. In the time she was there before the kittens birth, she did a lot of thinking. She was quite far off course, and who knew how far away from home she was? The group of loners she was associated with were all far from here.

When they'd had a group fallout, everyone took sides and turns out, nobody was on her's. For once in her life, she felt betrayed, and had stormed off. She was an emotional young cat, and in this blur of emotions, she had a fling with a tom named Raven. He was a devilishly good looking tom, just Fawn's type, and after the fling, they'd grown closer together. When she found out she was pregnant, however, she kept it from him. Surely it was too early. After bottling up these emotions for a while, the pregnancy took it's toll and she ran off once more.

It ended up at the farm, where she had a while to worry about life, and what she'd done.

The first few moons [0-2 moons] :

When Sophia was born, she had four siblings. Tess, the largest in the litter, Juniper, Dusty, and Snake. Sophia was the smallest, in fact, she was the runt. It was a rather difficult birth, and though all the kittens had been birthed without major complications, it had left Fawn with ever-growing signs of weakness. She found it quite hard to catch food for all of them, and after about two moons, she'd had enough. After hearing of the clans, the way they accepted most people, and they took in stray or weak kittens, Fawn knew it would be better for Sophia if she was loved and cared for somewhere she could grow and thrive. She was afraid the tiny kitten would get a chill, and be unable to handle it. That night, she tucked everyone in and then took Sophia away with her. The other kittens slept soundly, and did not notice their sisters disappearance.

In that night, steady snow fell as two paw prints trekked across the ground and into Oakclan. They went for a while before all that could be heard was a tiny, shrill wailing sound inside a hollow tree, and only one set of paw prints left that area. When the sun rose and the cats awoke for patrols, a warrior rushed in carrying Sophia, who was shivering in his jaws. From that day onwards, she was named 'Frecklekit' after the little white specks on her face, and was accepted into Oakclan. The brown tabby had nightmares still, of her mother leaving her.

Kithood [ 2-6 moons ] :

When she had been accepted into the clan like some other cats were, most of them made a lot of friends within the clan, but Frecklekit stayed relatively shy. She mostly kept to herself and others tended to introduce themselves before her.

Family and relatives

Mate: no
Kits: cute but no

Mother: Fawn - pale chocolate tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a small frame, she has a short and docked white tail, possible signs that she was once a kittypet. --npc, living
Raven - A black, brown, and white tabby tom with brown eyes. --npc, living

Tess - Gray she-cat with brown eyes --npc, living
Juniper - Pale tabby, pale yellow eyes, tom --npc, living
Dusty - Rusty brown tom with pale yellow eyes --npc, living
Snake - Gray tabby with amber eyes. --npc, living

Maternal Grandad:
Sizzle - A gray tom with black tabby stripes and yellow eyes. --npc, dead
Maternal Gran:
Cook - Brown she-cat with amber eyes, is very small. --npc, dead

Paternal Grandad:
Flare - Bright Ginger tabby with golden flecked fur, green eyes. --npc, dead
Paternal Gran:
Renee - Pure black she-cat with chocolate markings, amber eyes. --npc, living


o) - Frecklekit has a bad habit of flopping one ear down to the back of her head when she is embarrassed or crying
o) - She's obsessed with keeping clean. Herself and everything/one around her.
o) - She hates her laugh and her voice. It's quite high pitched and there's nothing wrong with it, but she's really self-conscious about it
o) - Flower crowns are really cool

o) - funny cats
o) - being with friends
o) - making friends
o) - being in the sun
o) - the apprentice den is her favourite den

o) - being cold
o) - snow
o) - places she feels claustrophobic in
o) - being pressured into things
o) - people talking about her

Sexuality and Relationship information

Sexuality - Demiromantic Demisexual/possibly asexual

Attracted to - shrug

Looking -
Too young - not for crushes
Taken - no

Oakclan - I love everyone in my clan, they're so nice to me usually!

Insert link to their application here - Insert description here - Insert thoughts here - Insert official relationship here - Insert @/ of their name

Redkit - A Cream And Ginger Tabby with Green Eyes - "Redkit was very mean to me. She's a liar, but i'll give her a second chance to be nice to me, I suppose." - Acquaintance - XCarpe-DiemX

Apricotpaw - A small yellow she-cat with brown stripes - "Apricotkit is totally cool and nice! We looked for a magical bush together and she wasn't even weirded out by the fact I decided that she needed cleaned! I think we can be great friends!" - Friend - Fuzzywing  

Breezepaw - A dark grey furred tom with darker spotted tabby patches; silver muzzle and belly. He also has his right ear torn mostly off while he has a long scar on his left shoulder.
- "Breezekit's really nice! We played clans together, but we were called away by the Queens, so we never finished it! But I would consider him a friend."
"2nd rp in progress.."
- Good Friend - BarleyRose

Onyxpaw - A tom with various shades of grey and many tabby stripes on his pelt. He has green and blue eyes. - "roleplay in pawgress." - ??? - papercrown-s


My character is Dawnheart, in both.
I honestly do either of these, or adapt to what the other person's style is. If I start, I start with quite long ones, if they start, I adapt to their style so that we're both comfortable and don't have to write too much or too little.

DarkWater-Warriors  rp

Dawnheart was terrified out of her mind. Not only for herself, but for Eaglestrike too. He seemed to be fighting so well. He had scored a bit in the eye, and left some nasty wounds on the fox already. Deciding she couldn't look anymore, and the tension in the air being too much for her, she just lay down, flinching slowly. The burden of knowing she couldn't help because she was afraid lay on her shoulders, but she couldn't really do anything. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to pretend she was just having one of her daydreams, where she slipped off into her world of thoughts. But it didn't work. The battle going on was all too real for Dawnheart, and she felt slightly light headed from thinking too much. Over and over thoughts of what to do turned in her head. She could never pick any of them, so she just stayed put. Suddenly, she felt a large thump on the boulder, and gasped. Had that been Eaglestrike or the fox? Still crying, the long legged molly peered over the rock once more to see the fox running off into someone else's territory, and Eaglestrike lying on the ground. Racing back down to the area underneath the overhanging ledge, she stared at Eaglestrike. He was worn out and exhausted, but thankfully not too hurt. The she-cat nudged him gently in the neck. "E-eaglestrike?" Dawnheart whispered, her voice croaky. She was desperately trying to keep it steady. Opening her maw again, the windclanner tried to speak. She found that no words could come out. All of this had been her fault. If only she'd tried to defend herself. Sure, she'd of came away with a few scratches and would be terrified for life, but what did it matter if one of her clanmate was injured?
"A-are y-you OK? I'm so s-s-sorry!" The she-cat meowed softly, her voice quivering. Dawnheart sobbed softly, drawing a paw out to wipe her tears. "Is th-there any-anything I can do for y-you?" In between her crying, she remembered the rabbit that she'd been hunting. The stupid fox had picked in up as if fled. This whole battle had been for nothing, other than to save Dawnheart. Who was feeling guilty about the whole thing.

DarkWater-Warriors  rp

As more and more cats arrived in the clearing, the tawny molly blushed as they gave her curious stares. She felt like they were all directed at her, but Skyspirit's warmth pressed up against her shoulder reminded her that they were sharing this moment. The agony of embarrassment dissolved as the long legged feline listened to Skyspirit meowing about a cuddle, and she'd been doing that for quite some time now. It was quite comforting. It reminded her of when she cuddled up to her mother in the nursery, just Skyspirit was less fierce and it was a different kind of love.

One of the cat's in the patrol snickered and she found that suddenly all eyes were on her and Dawnheart. The she-cat gave them a silencing smile with her eyes. Except she needn't have done so, as the patrol leader hissed and glared at them all, telling them to get moving. Tension evaporated from her completely, and she stole a glance at Skyspirit before standing up and gently tracing her paws over the landscape, her long tail brushing against Skyspirit's cheek as she passed. Though the patrol leader had scared off the others, Dawnheart noticed that even he glanced back worriedly every few minutes.

As Dawnheart skipped alongside Skyspirit, she noticed a puddle up ahead. "Hey," She whispered lightly. "Watch your step." The area was dotted with puddles, and already she was hearing groans from up ahead as the patrol messily picked their way through all of it. The Windclan molly was slightly concerned that with her smaller legs, Skyspirit might not find it as easy to avoid the puddles. Dawnheart didn't know about Skyspirit, but she thought water was for fish and Riverclan. Not like there was much difference mind you. Both smelly, both shiny.

Getting worried about Skyspirit, Dawnheart suddenly felt herself up to her belly in thin, yet goopy and sticky, mud. Gritting her teeth, she let out a mewl of fright. This would take ages to get off! Mumbling to herself, she lifted a paw and shook it, trying to step out of the mud.

Method of Roleplay:

notes: preferred
comments: acceptable
skype: I've lost my details and don't like being obliged to reply immediatly
chatzy: that's fine I guessss??

participation badge for the Oak vs Cedar tournament! :'D
Related content
Comments: 35

Artemiie [2016-08-08 03:46:19 +0000 UTC]



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saairyrd In reply to Artemiie [2016-08-08 08:19:39 +0000 UTC]

also who starts???

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Artemiie In reply to saairyrd [2016-08-08 23:47:39 +0000 UTC]



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saairyrd In reply to Artemiie [2016-09-25 10:55:38 +0000 UTC]

//starts apologising profusely for everything I have ever done (plus the amount of time it took me to reply to this)
ahhh sorry sorry sorryyyyyyyyy I hit a slump
still wanna rp? :'o

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artemiie In reply to saairyrd [2016-09-29 01:15:24 +0000 UTC]

It's alright love! 
Sure! <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cloudclaws [2016-08-07 19:05:10 +0000 UTC]

Throws SwiftStorm  at you!

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saairyrd In reply to cloudclaws [2016-08-07 21:46:53 +0000 UTC]

//catches him
Alright!! ♥
Is notes fine????
also can you start please???

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cloudclaws In reply to saairyrd [2016-08-07 21:50:07 +0000 UTC]

Notes are fine with me!
I send as starter asap!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

saairyrd In reply to cloudclaws [2016-08-07 21:56:55 +0000 UTC]

alright!! <333

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heartsqueeze [2016-07-07 22:39:50 +0000 UTC]

hey would you like to rp with onyxpaw :')? He needs more apprentice friends

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saairyrd In reply to heartsqueeze [2016-07-08 10:03:50 +0000 UTC]

sure! <3
shoot me a note and we can just go from there, if you are fine with that? :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

heartsqueeze In reply to saairyrd [2016-07-08 22:17:17 +0000 UTC]

sent !! c:

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CrescentRose3716 [2016-05-25 03:01:58 +0000 UTC]

She was added to the ceremony! Yay! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

saairyrd In reply to CrescentRose3716 [2016-05-25 17:20:03 +0000 UTC]

yeah! :'D
sorry, been quite busy, heh
anyways! i'd be fine to roleplay them whenever you're ready, now
and I will try to keep up I swear

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrescentRose3716 In reply to saairyrd [2016-05-25 17:41:16 +0000 UTC]

You're fine! I understand that things get busy around this time of year. And you can send a starter for the rp whenever you have the chance! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CrescentRose3716 [2016-05-24 16:26:24 +0000 UTC]

Btw, we should rp the plot with Breeze and Freckle when you get thing settled on her being an apprentice!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

n-u-m-n-u-m-s [2016-05-09 04:34:20 +0000 UTC]

hey! I was wondering if you'd like to rp with rootkit? c:

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saairyrd In reply to n-u-m-n-u-m-s [2016-05-09 15:24:42 +0000 UTC]

That'd be great, I'd love to! <3
is note s alright?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

n-u-m-n-u-m-s In reply to saairyrd [2016-05-10 02:01:32 +0000 UTC]

yeah of course! would you like for me to go first c:

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saairyrd In reply to n-u-m-n-u-m-s [2016-05-10 17:59:38 +0000 UTC]

yes please <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CrescentRose3716 [2016-03-27 13:32:00 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to rp with Breezekit?
Breezekit Application

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

saairyrd In reply to CrescentRose3716 [2016-04-02 12:57:26 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to! Are notes alright? And could you start???

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrescentRose3716 In reply to saairyrd [2016-04-02 23:45:52 +0000 UTC]

Yep and sent the starter note! ^o^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

saairyrd In reply to CrescentRose3716 [2016-04-03 08:08:43 +0000 UTC]

alright! I'm on a bit of hiatus rn
So I'll reply in about 2-4 days

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrescentRose3716 In reply to saairyrd [2016-04-03 16:02:51 +0000 UTC]

Kk! Tyt! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

feversweet [2016-03-15 14:38:07 +0000 UTC]

AAA shes so cute ok....

i think we had an rp going when pond was still a kit, would u like to rp them again now that hes an app ?

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saairyrd In reply to feversweet [2016-03-15 18:45:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks :'D

we did, I think I started and you never replied haha
sure! <3 i'd love to! Notes still ok?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leporcide [2016-01-17 04:02:03 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh she's so cuuute! Would you like to RP her and Honeykit ?

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saairyrd In reply to leporcide [2016-01-17 08:22:06 +0000 UTC]

whoops I just went to check Honeykit in your gallery, got up the page, then I saw the link to her.

and yeah, sure, Honey is so adorable like honestly all that fuzz!!

I'm sorry I'm so hyper //weeps

ehh, is a note roleplay fine with you?

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leporcide In reply to saairyrd [2016-01-17 08:23:59 +0000 UTC]

Yes that's completely fine! Do you want to start or for me to?

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saairyrd In reply to leporcide [2016-01-17 08:45:51 +0000 UTC]

If you could start, that'd be great!
sorry for the late reply.

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taiga-biome [2016-01-17 00:44:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness she is SOOO cute. <3

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saairyrd In reply to taiga-biome [2016-01-17 08:22:31 +0000 UTC]

Aaaa thank you very very much! :'D

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0CAT [2016-01-16 16:42:13 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to OakClan, Frecklekit!
20 EXP will be awarded to your character immediately.

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saairyrd In reply to 0CAT [2016-01-16 18:04:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! ;u;

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