RyugaBoumera — Amorphage Goliath Armor

#goliath #amorphagegoliath #dragon #monsterhunter #yugioh #amorphage
Published: 2019-06-16 01:24:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 460; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 1
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Description This is a Monster Hunter Armor based on Amorphage Goliath from Yu-Gi-Oh! (Info: yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Amorpha… ).

I was really proud of this design. My problem is the pose and how I posed it. I won't be redoing this again tho.

Helmet: Based on Amorphage Gluttony's plate armor.
Chestplate: Based on Amorphage Gluttony's torso and neck.
Armor: The shoulders and arms are based on Amorphage Gluttony's arms. The lower body armor is based on Amorphage Gluttony's body. The armor on the legs are based on Amorphage Gluttony's legs and rear section of the body. The cape is based on Amorphage Gluttony's wings and claws.
Weapons: A gauntlet-like weapon that's based on Amorphage Goliath's  head and can also functions as a range weapon. A sword that's serrated on both edges and is based on Amorphage Goliath's tail and on the crystal-like object that sticks out from his chest.
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Comments: 1

RyugaBoumera [2019-06-16 01:26:41 +0000 UTC]

Here's Amorphage Goliath:


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