— Jenny Jimmy Johnson
2023-01-28 01:01:16 +0000 UTC
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Jenny(as in Jennifer) Jimmy(as in James) Johnson is a professor who broke her kidney. Most of her kidney was fixed but the part where she could tell if she had to pee wasn’t i wish my kidneys worked like that. Anyways she teaches at Florida State University in the field of science mainly chemistry and biology. She is extremely girly and has a husband who i will or will not draw later and a high school teen son who i will or will not draw later both her parents died in war the day she moved out. Her husband does change her diapers even though she knows how to change her own. Shes a birth mother. what do you expect? She passed her incontinence onto her Son she broke her kidney in 1998 in a car accident on her first day to work and was given administrative leave. The driver of the car that hit her’s was charged with drunk driving and fined out of his car insurance to pay for her damaged car and forced to pay for any surgeries she may have needed in the process. Only time she ever shows her diapers is inside the house usually her diapers are covered up with clothes. On 1999 she got married and in 2007 became pregnant with a son and it was pretty much planned on purpose. She believes in the feminization of all men. She has a tough but sweet and soft personality. She has a gun next to her bed she is famous worldwide and her neighborhood has a lot of break ins and robberies but no one robs or kidnaps her or anyone in her household cause she is the most field resident in her neighborhood. She has even defeated an arceus with her moveset. She is 16 and was born in 1776 and was given infinite youth and life due to drinking from the fountain of youth in 1777 on the same day she turned 16. She keeps up the present style of how people in the present act. She can knockout anyone with just one hit from any moves in her moveset due to drinking out of the fountain of godlike powers in 1779. She is given a lot of praise by everyone wether it’d be out of fear or out of accomplishments. She was always graduating early in her school days especially at her days of being a college student at the best and most expensive college in all of united states. She has no weaknesses. She is also a trillionaire and speaks all languages spoken worldwide(i can only speak english btw). She knows how to say every word in the english dictionary in every language spoken in the world. She is 7ft tall and is an Axew and can still get hurt and physically and mentally get injured like anyone else. Thats basically what you need to know about her.
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