Riplae — The Things We Do - Arc 1: For Money

#aliens #originalcharacters #originalfiction #spacepirates #spaceship #story
Published: 2017-08-16 19:36:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 604; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description The Things We Do is now available!

Arc 1: “For Money” has been posted in its entirety on Archive of Our Own. 

*!!Click here to read!!*

Cipher is a small-time thief making a living by hocking trinkets he’s picked from pockets or, in this case, pilfered from pirates. When he discovers that the ring he’s stolen is haunted by a long-dead pirate captain called Blackburn, he strikes out on the long and arduous journey of finding a buyer for the ring that’ll simultaneously make him filthy rich and meet Blackburn’s standards for a permanent host.
The Things We Do is a roleplay-turned-story, co-written by Riplae   and Sycophantism . It follows the hijinks of Cipher and Blackburn as they adventure across the universe. There’ll be badass space pirates, creepy mad scientists, and adorable alien friends. What more could you ask for?

You can find the story's tumblr here , where we post all kinds of content of the characters, along with updates to the story itself!
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Comments: 1

CoralineCandy [2017-08-16 19:38:41 +0000 UTC]

OMG!... This. Is. COOL! 

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