Rinrinroze — The New Boy

Published: 2007-07-12 17:57:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 65; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 6
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Description Once upon a time ago a cat walked into our house and decided it was also his house.

The owners of the house tried everything to convince this cat that no it wasn't home but surrendered to the power of The Yowl.

Let me tell you there is nothing more annoying than an attention starved Siamese blooded cat! There was no shutting it up and it moulted everywhere, made me sneeze like there was no tomorrow and wouldn't leave me alone long enough to breathe clean air.

So i gave in.

We took him to the vet who told us that he'd been sterilized, making us all hope someone could take him home. Alas he wasn't tagged and the vet said he showed all the signs of him being dumped.

And that is how we ended up with the Yowling Beast From Hell as a pet.

After a very... VERY long week The Yowling Beast From Hell turned into Slightly Annoying Cat That Follows Me Everywhere and after a few more days he was very pleasant company.

This is what he looks like after a few weeks of TLC, let me tell you he looks a lot happier now than he did when he first sauntered into my house!
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