— Psyshe
2008-06-11 00:35:44 +0000 UTC
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Psyché est la Fille d'un roi. Elle a deux sœurs aînées. Les trois jeunes femmes sont d'une extrême beauté mais seules les deux sœurs de Psyché trouvent un é
oux. Les autres prétendants refusent la main de Psyché, croyant que celle-ci est une nouvelle déesse de la beauté et se mettent à l'adorer comme une divinité. Aphrodite, jalouse de la beauté de la jeune fille, ordonne à Éros de la rendre amoureuse du mortel le plus mé
risable qui soit. Cependant, alors que le dieu s'apprête à mener à bien sa mission, il tombe lui-même amoureux de Psyché en se blessant de l'une de ses propres flèches.
Le père de Psyché, désespéré de voir que sa fille ne trouve pas d'é
oux, se rend à Delphes pour supplier Apollon de permettre à Psyché de se marier. La Pythie est catégorique: Psyché doit être abandonnée sur un rocher où l'attend une union extraordinaire. Apeuré mais résigné, le père de Psyché s'éxécute et abandonne Psyché sur un rocher en pleine mer. Là, un doux Zé
hyr s'élève et l'emporte au loin, jusque sur la pelouse d'un magnifique palais. Psyché y pénètre et y découvre un magnifique festin qui l'attend. Après ce repas, elle s'endort dans sa chambre. Eros la rejoint la nuit, lui demandant de ne jamais chercher à connaitre son identité, cachée par l'obscurité de la chambre.
Toutes les nuits, il la visite et la quitte dès l'apparition de l'aurore. Bientôt enceinte, rien ne manque au bonheur de Psyché, sinon de connaître le visage et le nom de son amant nocturne. Ses sœurs, en visite, sont folles de jalousie face à tant de bonheur. Elles la raillent en déclarant que le mystérieux amant n'est rien d'autre qu'un monstre horrible. Piquée par la curiosité et inquiète, elle profite du sommeil de son amant pour allumer une lampe et percer le mystère. Elle découvre alors le plus magnifique des jeunes hommes assoupi. Une goutte d'huile tombe sur l'é
aule du dieu qui se réveille et, furieux, s'enfuit.
L'Enlèvement de Psyché, par William BouguereauPsyché essaie alors de retrouver son amant et erre de temple en temple. Enfin, elle parvient au palais d'Aphrodite qui l'y retient et la soumet à toutes sortes d'é
reuves, comme une esclave :
Elle doit trier un énorme tas de grains mélangés en une soirée, mais les fourmis, prises de pitié, l'aident dans sa tâche et le tas est trié à temps.
Elle est contrainte de lui apporter de la laine de moutons à la toison d'or, qui paissent dans un pré au-delà d'une dangereuse et profonde rivière. Un roseau, compatissant à l'infortune de la jeune femme, lui indique la marche à suivre.
Elle doit chercher de l'eau du Styx, à même la source. Cette dernière se situe au sommet d'une haute montagne gardée par des dragons. Lors de son ascension, c'est l'aigle de Zeus lui-même qui vient à son secours et va pour elle chercher de l'eau du styx qu'il rapporte dans une fiole.
Enfin, elle part demander à Persé
hone une parcelle de sa beauté, à mettre dans une boîte. É
uisée, elle songe à mettre fin à ses jours. Elle est sur le point de se jeter d'une tour lorsque la tour se met à lui parler, la convaincre de rester en vie et lui indique même comment réussir à demander une parcelle de beauté à Persé
hone. Mais la curiosité la perd à nouveau : elle ouvre la boîte et aussitôt, tombe dans un profond sommeil. Ranimée par Éros, toujours é
ris d'elle, elle triomphe finalement du courroux de la déesse, et é
ouse le dieu. Ainsi, elle devient elle-même déesse et il lui pousse des ailes de papillon.
Elle lui donne une fille, Volupté.
The goddess Venus, jealous and envious of the beauty of a mortal woman named Psyche, asked her son, Cupid, to use his golden arrows to cause Psyche to fall in love with the vilest creature on earth. Cupid agreed but then fell in love with Psyche on his own.
L'Amour et Psyché, enfants by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1890When all continued to admire and praise Psyche's beauty but none desired her as a wife, Psyche's parents consulted an oracle, which told them to leave Psyche on the nearest mountain, for her beauty was so great that she was not meant for man. Terrified, they had no choice but to follow the oracle's instructions. But then Zephyrus, the west wind, carried Psyche away to a fair valley and a magnificent palace where she was attended by invisible servants until night fell and in the darkness of night the promised bridegroom arrived and the marriage was consummated. Cupid visited her every night to make love to her, but demanded that she never light any lamps, since he did not want her to know who he was.
Cupid even allowed Zephyrus to take Psyche back to her sisters and bring all three down to the palace during the day, but warning that Psyche should not listen to any argument that she should not try to discover his true form. The two jealous sisters told Psyche, then pregnant with Cupid's child, that rumor was that she had married a great and terrible serpent who would devour her and her unborn child when her time came for it to be fed. They urged Psyche to conceal a knife and oil lamp in the bedchamber, to wait till her husband was asleep, and then to light the lamp and slay him at once if it was as they said. Psyche sadly followed their advice. In the light of the lamp Psyche recognized the fair form on the bed as the god Cupid himself. However, she accidentally pricked herself with an arrow, and was consumed with desire for her husband. She began to kiss him, but as she did, a drop of oil fell from Psyche's lamp and onto Cupid's chest and he awoke. He flew away, and she fell from the window to the ground, sick at heart.
Psyche Opening the Golden Box, by John William WaterhousePsyche then found herself in the city where one of her jealous elder sisters lived. She told her what had happened, then tricked her sister into believing that Cupid had chosen her as a wife instead. She later met the other sister and deceived her likewise. Each returned to the top of the peak and jumped down eagerly, but Zephyrus did not bear them and they fell to their deaths at the base of the mountain.
Psyche searched far and wide for her lover, finally stumbling into a temple to Ceres where all was in slovenly disarray. As Psyche was sorting and clearing, Ceres appeared, but refused any help but advice, saying Psyche must call directly on Venus, the jealous shrew that caused all the problems in the first place. Psyche next called on Juno in her temple, but Juno, superior as always, said the same. So Psyche found a temple to Venus and entered it. Venus ordered Psyche to separate all the grains in a large basket of mixed kinds before nightfall. An ant took pity on Psyche and with its ant companions separated the grains for her.
Psyche Opening the Door into Cupid's Garden, by John William WaterhouseVenus was outraged at her success and told her to go to a field where golden sheep grazed and get some golden wool. A river-god told Psyche that the sheep were vicious and strong and would kill her, but if she waited until noontime, the sheep would go to the shade on the other side of the field and sleep; she could pick the wool that stuck to the branches and bark of the trees. Venus next asked for water from the Styx and Cocytus flowing from a cleft that was impossible for a mortal to attain and was also guarded by great serpents. This time an eagle performed the task for Psyche. Venus, outraged at Psyche's survival, claimed that the stress of caring for her son, made depressed and ill as a result of Psyche's lack of faith, had caused her to lose some of her beauty. Psyche was to go to the Underworld and ask Persephone, the queen of the Underworld, for a bit of her beauty in a box that Venus gave to Psyche. Psyche decided that the quickest way to the Underworld would be to throw herself off some high place and die and so she climbed to the top of a tower. But the tower itself spoke to her and told her the route through Tanaerum that would allow her to enter the Underworld alive and return again, as well as telling her how to get by Cerberus by throwing him a cracker and Charon by paying him a golden coin, how to avoid other dangers on the way there and back, and most importantly to eat of no food whatsoever; for otherwise she would dwell forever in the Underworld. Psyche followed the orders explicitly and ate nothing while beneath the earth.
However when Psyche had got out of the Underworld, she decided to open the box and take a little bit of the beauty for herself. Inside, she could see no beauty; instead an infernal sleep arose from the box and overcame her. Cupid, who had forgiven Psyche, flew to her, wiped the sleep from her face, put it back in the box, and sent her back on her way. Then Cupid flew to Mount Olympus and begged Jupiter to aid them. Jupiter called a full and formal council of the gods, and declared it was his will that Cupid might marry Psyche. Jove then had Psyche fetched to Mount Olympus, and gave her a drink made from Ambrosia, granting her immortality. Although some say their daughter was named Bliss, and some say she was named Delight (in Roman mythology she was named Voluptas, which can mean either), the meaning of the name was intended to be joyful. Begrudgingly, Venus and Psyche forgave each other.
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