Reallydu — The Suit

#bodysuit #bodyswap #possession #skinsuit #bodyswapping #bodysuitgirl #possessedgirl #body_suit #bodysuiting #possessionfetish #skinsuittg #possessedwoman #bodysuitsexy #skinsuittf #bodysuittransformation #possessiongirl #skinsuittransformation #skinsuit_tg #skinsuittransformati
Published: 2021-07-23 19:01:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 31722; Favourites: 91; Downloads: 0
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Description KiKi was browsing throughout the store and came across this certain potion which causes the user to become a skin suit for a while. KiKi knew it was just perfect for Mark to see a difference perspective for once ( rather hers). So she drank it up and inflated for Mark to try on. Afterwards mark wasn't really impressed but after a minute and too it hit Mark that KiKi body was different in certain ways.

* Sorry for the quality of the comic, did it last minute tho hope you enjoy also should I make part 2?
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