RavenHowels — Kokomi Nakamaru

Published: 2013-02-02 00:12:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 857; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 3
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Description My New Kiri Jounin oc Kokomi Nakamaru, i really like how she turned out, and i will draw her a lot more.

Name: Kokomi Nakamaru
Birthdate: April 17
Age: 16
Hight: 167 cm

Info: Kokomi was raised into a noble and wealthy family, but she dose not have a rotten personality, She cares for people and her team. When Kokomi was the age of 10, she had a fallout between her younger brother and older sister, they all split, Kokomis younger brother disappeared, so say that he joined the Akarsuki, and others say he died. While Kokomis older sister, she too disappeared, but later was reunited with Kokomi and each forgave each other's faults they did in the past. At age 16, Kokomi was the first in her group to be a jounin. Kokomi carries kunias and shuriken in the pouches she has on her sides. She can also summon a small little water dragon, and summon a sword out of her chest.

Hope you like her

Kokomi Nakamaru (C)
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