— Weaponry 410
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Power "enchant level" determined by the number of "--" in front of name. 1-2 common, 3-5: rare or bit magical 10: comes from the inner or outer crust
1; 2; 3; 8; 9
4; 5 ;6 10
- /Dancing rose/
In all possible colors. A typical haron found (only in Dera). It is flexible, yet it is a crystal. It has a sweet taste, yet not recommended to sweeten food. Gives diarrhea.
- Green wannnd
An outer crust gemstone. Can be missed for any kind of other - more usable gems - since it glows faint blue in the black surroundings. Usually clustered. Forms randomly. Has no magical properties and fragile. It is not even beautiful...
--- Blue myth
Inner crust gemstone spreading slowly beside stronger magical currents in lower regions. This formation is about the size of your thumbnail and is worth only a bit more. Since it might have a pure blue tint, it has the price, but is vulnerable after brought to our world. It might contain some magical powers if stored properly, but will be consumed in the withdraw process.
--- Magic salt
Grows on sea animals possibly sucking out lifeforce. It is created by a special kind of bacteria similar to corals, yet smaller. Takes more time, but the best tool to camouflage your sea monster, right? If kept in salt water it might sustain (not grow) and reacts great to familiar magic (thus making magic decoys to draw curses away)
----- Cyan myth
As it's relative, these small clusters form around intense magic, yet grow even slower. You still have to dive into the inner crust and probably fight the beast that uses this crap as armor or magic reserve - so particularly an intelligent beast of formidable size. The gems are better to store magic powers and fracture harder, but still be consumed if the magic withdrawn.
--------Crust curse
This is a living essence in the outer crust. Finding it in the wall means that your surroundings are aware of you and the digesting will soon begin. Expect some mindless spirits, a whole army of them and a magical aura that will drain your lifeforce if you cast spells (except holy magics and outer casting). But in return you can mine gems that can store lifeforce! A thumbnail of stone for your life...
Probably the only crystal that can give you lungs like till infinity. The spirit dwelling inside fills the rock and the crystals alive feeding on algae or you if you stick it onto your chest. It takes half a day to form the blood vessels towards your lung and a neat surgeon or average priest to remove it. A neat priest to remove it without killing the entity.
----------- /Clouds sharp/
An artifical crystal, a gateway beyond the outer crust to the delirium. A one way passport forth or back till refill. Fragile. Sometimes completely transparent.
------------ /Revenge (Fistruby)
Paer is a god that ripped a planet half and has a fist crushing the ground as a coat of arms. Given a small ruby shaped and enchanted the right way it can be spared in the process of envoking the Heavenly Strike (
old spell of mine) Pretty decorative I say.
------------------------- /Heartstone
It is butterskin magic. Cast a dreamer out through the outer crust into the dreamlands. How it's spirit will survive and turn into a crystal, no idea. Either way, these powerfull relics brought into the living world might create a coexistant plane that you can pass through without realizing - if not knowing the right entrance. These worlds might not be such miniature, might sprawl over 20 miles across!
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[2015-01-24 01:40:14 +0000 UTC]
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