rah-t — Pastel gangs GEN2 {candy bull}

Published: 2017-06-07 20:58:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 500; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description The first generation only had three members.
It's time to relaunch the series cause it was my favourite.
By the way I have been completely inactive here lately because I am dying in exams-to-enter-the-university-land. sorry bout that.

Fun Facts:
-loves candy accessories
-loves candy in general
-basically lives off of caffeine
-you don't mess with him.
-due to his body type it is impossible to make him fall over, making crashing into him pretty much the same as crashing into a rock.
-His skin is actually pretty smooth and nice.
-He goes from polite and formal to bashing your head in a wall within seconds.
-in general, everyone including the members of his own gang are terrified of him.
-he often barks

Price: $20 / 1500

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AriDragonHeart88 [2017-10-06 23:47:21 +0000 UTC]

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