This is basically my contribute for the artwork being done for Batman’s 75th Anniversary. This character is amazing. He’s just the most versatile superhero ever created. You can make him campy, super dark, put him in the future with flying cars, it all works. New interpretations of the character are what keep him continuously interesting.
As for my art, my favorite Batman has always been the urban commando solo act version, and more recently that hasnt been done in the past few years, other than the movies. This version of him is a version I’ve been kinda mind-plotting for a couple years since I saw the last batman movie. I want to read a Batman comic where EVERYTHING just goes wrong, like the ultimate disaster movie, but somehow worse.
So I guess this all starts with a bunch of superheroes destroying the planet by mysterious means, and Batman comes back after being MIA for a bit. So in this story he’s around 50 years old. (Im being very vague but I have it all mapped out) Basically think of the earth as the way it was depicted in Edgar Wrights “The Worlds End” and add this Batman to it, and there you go.Basically if you read batman, think of everything horrible thats ever happened to him and Im mixing them ALL of that in this story. I dont think anyone has written Batman as broken as I’d like to do. Eventually. Maybe. Someday. When Im better.
The best thing about this character is that you can beat him and break him, and he will get back up and kick your ass.