Transformers Generations (Fall of Cybertron) Combaticon Swindle
Unlike his fellow Decepticons, Swindle doesn't really care about the fate of the universe. No, the war for Cybertron is actually a pretty good business opportunity! While he's acting as the leg of Bruticus, Swindle thinks only of what he'll get in trade for Autobot bodies he's stomping once the current battle ends.
The MBC002 Set also includes a bit of an ugprade kit for Swindle, including a new head, some blaster pieces for his arms and a new chest (that mounts on the normally empty and embarrassingly skeletal back). It is a simple installation that does a world of good for a rather sub par figure but unfortunately isn't quite as effective as the upgrade for Brawl.
Having recently acquired the MBC002 Microblaze Creations set I have decided to finally take a good look at my FOC Combaticons and take some photos leading up to the big reveal! Stay tuned!
(PART 3 of 7) To be continued…