PinkieVonVamp — Rose

Published: 2018-06-16 18:54:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 150; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description In 2015, I of course had an Ichigo recolor OC, who's name was rose. She was a Chinese girl who Purin/Bu-Ling knew and she'd apparently secretly teamed up with some rebel aliens who'd come to earth to get revenge for Deep Blue's defeat etc etc etc
She wasn't a mew mew though, she was just a recolor of Normal Ichigo. So, I tried to redesign her (changed her pigtail designs, added some loose back hair and her bangs are different too, oh and her ribbons are roses XD)
sooo there ya go. Have a revamp of my old recolor OC from three years ago XD
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