I have a lot of headcanons for specifically pony Flash (who I will always draw as human because I don’t draw ponies anymore) partly because I’ve been reflecting on the EQ shorts and how he’s been presented and partly because I’ve been binging :icon MLP-Silver-Quill: and his video on Flash has made want to explore Flash’s character.
imma start with Equestria/pony Flash- so he grew up in a forest based town to a earth pony mother, named Sparkleworks (gen 3) and his dad (I don’t have a name) who was a guard for a specific Corp for defending against new creation of monsters. Flash’s mom was in charge of most of Flash’s extracurricular activities. Sparkleworks is a highly competitive dancer and overall a sporty gal. She signed Flash for a number of shorts and competitions growing up even though he wasn’t enthusiastic or talented at them. He has athletic prowess, after all, his dream of joining his dad means that he would need physical ability. However; he grew up with Soarin (during the times he lived in the town) who was a born athlete and often won 1st place in most competitions. Flash had a forced competitiveness even though he took after his dad who was more laid back. Essentially, he was trying to emulate his mom because she pushed that a competitive nature pushes you to be better. He developed a special ability which he called “Flashing” when he was younger (you know little kids have egos, they don’t have a choice) which allows him to focus his magic into one quick burst that shoots him forward followed by trails of static electricity. As an adult, he hates the name and finds it cringey but it follows him. Flash’s dad passed away before Flash’s brother was born which caused a rift in the family. Flash still wanted to pursue his dream but his mom obviously didn’t want to lose him too. She didn’t even want him to be a guard. Destiny is super important in Equestria so Flash kept with his original plan. What this rift did cause was him re-establishing himself outside of his mother’s expectations. When he eventually joined the Corp and his team leader, Kimono (also gen 3), helped him learn about himself, philosophy, and how others work and feel. Things that were already in him were nurtured more than they had been. He spent ~5 ish years before a tragedy occurred that nearly cost his life and the lives of his team. It was in part due to a series of his decisions. He lost the ability to fly in the incident because of an injury but still retained “Flashing” because it’s not based of continuous action. He was the only one of his party that was conscious during the whole attack but refuses to talk about it and what happened after Kimono being knocked unconscious. He stopped enjoying receiving rewards for his efforts after this (he earned a few because of this event having saved his party). He recovered in the hospital and retired from the Corp. He was released from the hospital and put on duty in Canterlot because of the royal wedding (great timing). He transferred to the Crystal Empire because he still wanted to feel like he was improving, since the Crystal Empire guards seem to be more active in defense, while not allowing himself to be able to make decisions that could end in disaster.
More info: Flash has always been rather selfless. Even when he was more prideful, he would always put others before himself. He earned his cutie mark saving a classmate at the risk of his own safety. If he sees someone in need of help, he will do something about it. However, he doesn’t go out of his way to offer his help. He doesn’t want to be in the way of others and always doubts his decisions so he often helps out of impulse rather than actively seeking others to help, even though he wants to help. Flash also needs a lot of affirmation from those he sees as superior to himself. He likes to surround himself with others who tend to be more forceful than he is. He prefers to be a supporting player than center stage. This stems from always being 2nd place and from an environment where supporting your teammates is more important than individual action. He likes to support others with their feels and often lends an ear, rarely trying to give in his own input (sometimes you want to talk to someone without them bombarding you with their solutions). He’s well-liked among the guards because of this. His quiet and calm appearance helps him seem laidback to others, but on the inside, he tends to overthink things and gets frustrated with himself easily. He likes to sing and whistle off duty which earned him the playful nickname Songbird with his fellow guards. He likes rock, metal, and pop
How does EQG Flash differ? EQG Flash is still in that transition period. I think it’s easy to see him growing out of that prideful need to name your band and all your songs after yourself and decal your car with your symbol to making songs about others and changing how he dresses to fit a more comfortable look. He hasn’t reached that adult understanding of people and so while I imagine he is a good shoulder to lean on, he’s not as good as his horse version.
I recognize that his psychology in his childhood doesn’t exactly match up. It’s still under construction. I have to balance Flash’s portrayals in the shorts and movies which is where I grabbed his supporting role, his selflessness, and his need for affirmation, and relationships I want him to have with characters outside of those we’ve seen like Discord.