and lastly: the ficha!
I thought I'd post it later.but already enjoyed the post along.
write as you like. but I thought it would be interesting if one thing remains:
talk about her first words
Your personality, favorite colors? I'm not forcing you girl. Write what you want.
At a difficult time, maybe you could talk about how some things have changed in her (like your favorite food your friends, if your personality has changed) or someone new seemed in her life, like a crush or a friendship appeared in her life.
People who came into your life or left, your personality has changed ... to various things you can talk about.
just two important criteria to talk about:
which college she goes to.
where does she work.
why these two criteria? why University Life is focused on that (besides the romance, of course) and why are things that practically characterize Candy? I mean, and I know they are more than your jobs and stuff, but I think it is important to talk about it .