Aircraft used by the People's Military Air Service and Red Air Fleet
1: As with much of Ronastre’s early, the CM -12 Biplane was designed and built for the Confederate Air Force. Many were captured during the Revolution and used up until 2016.
While the CM-12 was hopelessly outdated compared to many modern aircraft, due to it’s slow speed many enemy pilots had a hard time shoot it down as they would often pass them while targeting.
2: the CM-13 was another left over from the CFA , thought Ronastre produced large numbers after independence . It was withdrawn from combat service in 2016 but is still produced as a training aircraft and crop duster.
Due the nose the engine made during fight it was nick named The coffee grinder.
3: Based on the designs left by the Confederate Air Corps Design team, the Revolutionary Air Fighter 1 was first used during the Border war with Eglise and proved itself an excellent aircraft for its time but it soon fell behind.
4: The RAF 3 was Ronastre’s first home grown fighter plane, the Rudneva-R 1 better known as the Flying Devil first saw action in small numbers in the second border war. It proved to be an effective and tough low level fighter.
Large numbers were used by the Ronastrese International Volunteer Groups during the Ducroixian Civil War and a number were used by the Eglise Royal Air Force during the last coast war.
5: The Scarlet Hawk was designed and built alongside the Rudneva-R 1 for high level aerial combat. The early models suffered from unpowered engines and a lack of heavy armament. Later version were fitted with a 20mm cannon and better engines but it was always seen as a second rate aircraft.
6: The RA 3 was an attempt to overcome the problems of the Rudneva-R 1 and Scarlet Hawk with a powerful engine up armoured and up gunned It was produced in vast quantities for the later stages of the Anglo Sea War and is still widely used by Ronastre's Armed services
7: The Zinoviev-RA 4 was designed in 2014 as a ground attack aircraft as such it was designed with even heaver armour than the RA 3 and the ability to carry rockets and bombs.
It’s ability to withstand both heavy ground and aerial fire along with its heavy fire power eared it the nick name the flying tank.
8: The People’s Comet 1 was Ronastre’s first jet fighter. It was developed in secret from 2015 to 2017. Production started only a week before the Last Coast War so pilots had to be rushed throught training sometimes to the point that instructors would be give the pilot last minute tips as they taxied down the runway.
Although it was highly successful fighter Ronastre never had them in large enough numbers to make a real impact until after the war.
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