OldMannamedSteelyDan — Anasui - I'm back! (read desc.)

Published: 2020-07-13 13:29:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 489; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 2
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Description First of all, Anasui is a Guy I'd Like to F*ck.

Secondly, after a small art block, I decided to take a photo of a drawing I did in my new journal I got from my holiday. It's a handmade book, with a string that acts as the binder-thingey and the thing that closes up the book. It's really nice, although the pages are quite thin, so I don't think I'll use it for Copic drawings or watercolour pencil drawings. Yes, I do sometimes use my old watercolour pencils from time to time.
I also finished Steel Ball Run. The ending with D4C was a bit confusing, Gyro's inevitable oof was really sad and Tusk Act 4... CHUMIMI~~N!! I adore his little stand cry, it's so cute! 0w0
And I watched Gravity Falls. That's cool. You might find Bill Cipher fanart soon.
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