NintendoSuperMario1 — Peanuts Marcie Carlin Legless Beach Relaxing

#amputee #beach #beachside #detachable #detached #genius #legless #marcie #nbm #peanuts #relaxing #sleeping #telefrag #teleport #tropical #amputeegirl #detachablelimbs #marciepeanuts #peanutsmarcie #marciecarlin #peanutsschulz #nbmlegs #bleachfanart #teleportation #relaxinggirl #detachablegirl #detachedlegs #geniusgirl #leglessgirl #peanutscharlesschulz
Published: 2020-12-24 19:01:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 2249; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 1
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Description Marcie lost her legs to a tele-frag (Maybe Sally fooled with the teleporter?), so she decided to take a day off and relax at the beach.  Good thing Marcie's injury allows her to take up less space and prevents her from disturbing the other beachgoers nearby.  Oh, and it looks like Marcie elected the sand dunes for a resting spot.

Marcie Carlin belongs to Charles M. Schulz.
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