Name: Daniel Curse
Birthday: 10/31
Species: Giant fruit Bat
Catchphrase: "Whats wrong Boo?"
Quote: "You'd better get it done quick kid, or else!"
Character Type(s): Jock
Personality: a complete trouble maker and bully, he doesn't hesitate to push others around to get what he wants and is happy to hand out threats rather than gifts. him and his slowly growing gang of baddies are known around town for breaking stuff and putting up graffiti. he likes to feel stronger than others and will jump at the chance to be the boss. despite all the trouble making he has never been actually hostile, such as injuring others on purpose or breaking into a home. he mainly sticks to pranks and small things any teen would do to show off how cool and tough they are.
Favorite things: blacklights, glowing paint, fast cars and bikes, fruity lollypops, fruit in general.
Hated things: fishing, work, cooking.
History: WIP
Theme song: Candies 'n Curses - OST - Boss - Extended
Other: WIP
His inventory
Silver rod