Naxillion — Studies in Snow

Published: 2023-09-14 15:17:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 383; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Long after the paper runs out, Lucien keeps talking. Wind strength and direction, the density of the falling snow, how it piled in certain places but not others. His enthusiasm is obvious, despite the rather dull topic.

Import: 053 - Lucien

Link to EXP tracker: here
Profession: Researcher level 1 - Make an entry where your centaur is practising the skills needed in the chosen profession

EXP Point and bonuses: (Fullbody)
Lineart - 4
Basecolor - 3
Shaded - 3
Complex Background - 3
Diurnal - 3
Personal - 2
Other ARPG creature (x1) - 2

Total: 20 EXP


Import: Apochrosi 10661

Link to FP tracker: here

Fate Points and bonuses: (Fullbody)
Base - 2
Coloured - 3
Shaded - 2
Background - 2
Personal - 2
Other ARPG creature - 1

Total: 14 FP

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