Myszow — Fernworld - Bryozoa

#ammonite #sealife #speculativeevolution #speculativebiology #speculativezoology
Published: 2022-06-16 11:54:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 11427; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 5
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Description Polinices-inspired bryozoans from fernworld.

Bryozoans inhabit most of the aquatic environments on the planet. Being one of the first animals introduced, bryozoans have very rich evolutionary history. Currently there are 5 known orders of bryozoans:

- currently unnamed order of primitive filter-feeding bryozoans, resembling their ancestors.

- Pseudocorallia - order of sea anemone-like sessile animals, often found in reefs and warm waters. Pseudocorals are very diverse in shape, size and coloration. Mostly carnivorous, but smaller species are often filter-feeders.

- Utremozoa - most primitive group of Tmimosoma class. In tmimosomes zooids grow via gemmation from mantle of each other. Utremozoans are primitive and asymmetrical, but very widespread. They feature fliter-feeders, carnivorous ones and even some photosynthetic species.

- Kommatostraca - order of tmimosomes evolved from utremozoans. Kommatostracans are sluggish benthic animals feeding on organic matter. Sometimes called matryoshka worms, due to their anatomy resembling russian toy.

- Spiralikonchylia - order evolved from kommatostracans. Spiralommonites are most derived and unique bryozoans on the planet. Found only in saltwater, they resemble terran nautiloids and ammonites. Very diverse in shapes and sizes, with lots of planktonic species as well as 5 meter-wide giants. All of spiralommonites are filter-feeders.
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Comments: 3

Eldertyrant682 [2022-10-26 02:35:26 +0000 UTC]

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ParallelBotanist [2022-06-17 00:22:11 +0000 UTC]

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TheTiger773 [2022-06-16 18:25:09 +0000 UTC]

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