MysteriousDB — My MLP Base 4 (F2U)

Published: 2021-01-21 05:03:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 443; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Description Update: Not authorized for inclusion in third-party AI datasets
Free to use base.
My only rule is to credit me every time you use it.
Another rule has to be added in due to users being sketchy with my bases, which is that I have zero tolerance for any of my bases to be used for/with AI. If doing either or both, said user will be blocked personally by me on all social media that we share. This will also sadly affect lazy/scam artist as well as I have had two cases of people being scammed due to adopt maker using base to make said adopt.
If you are a scam, you will be instant block as I have zero tolerance for that.
If you are lazy, improve your skills and try to better yourself. However, if I hear too many complaints about the same lazy artis of using my base/bases, then I will be forced to block them as I believe in pattern of behavior/many users being hurt by one person. With this said, I hope people have a better day today than I did.
MLP is owned by Hasbro
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