MrXenoMorphG β€” The Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1930.

#cartography #mapping #netherlands
Published: 2023-09-21 12:44:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 2172; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 10
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Description Part of a larger timeline which is heavily inspired by some of my favorite pieces of fiction.

Some unfinished lore:

''2 Weeks after impact the invaders had already reached the Rhine. The hastily assembled French and German defenses disintegrated after the advance toward the sea began. By the time the invaders were temporarily halted near Brussels much of the Eastern French-speaking part of Belgium was already occupied and its inhabitants slaughtered.

After the war, Belgium and Luxembourg lay in ruins. The Netherlands, Although having lost more than 250.000 men in the fighting remained largely untouched throughout the war and stepped in to help its southern neighbours. Unlike the major powers, the Netherlands was able to secure its small colonial empire and could focus on rebuilding and relief efforts in Belgium and Luxembourg with the strange technology left behind by the invaders.Β After a few years, Belgium, now primarly Dutch speaking voted in favor of unification with The Netherlands. Luxembourg too, voted to join as the few surviving Luxembourgish feared the small state would not survive in the chaos of post-war Europe.

Following the unification, the heavily depopulated French regions were slowly settled by Dutch speakers as well as Germans and Poles from the Rurh, fleeing the anarchy in the collapsing German Empire.''
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AlexCuibus [2024-10-20 13:22:40 +0000 UTC]

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undefinedreference [2023-09-21 15:14:28 +0000 UTC]

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