Name: Lyna
Gender: Female
Species: Persian
Type(s): Normal/Dark
ID Number: 15956
Hatch Date: September 9, 2014
Mother: Malaya Father: Masq
Level: 100
Combat Power: 100
Combat Power Log:
- Scratch
- Growl
- Pay Day
- Slash
- Feint Attack
Moves she wants to learn:
- Dazzling Gleam
- Ice Beam
Level Log
Clutch (+4)
Lyna Old Ref (+6)
PKMNation- Mewhaku Payment (+6)
Payment for MewHaku (+15)
Pay Day Jackpot! (+12)
Fighting the nightmare (+5)
Learning Moves and being cute (+10)
Valentine (+6)
Moves and shots (+12)
thirty second pkmnation level paymeant (+12)
PKMNation - Lyna Evolves! (+12)
PKMNation - Lyna (+0)
PKMNation- Lyna Payment (+6)
This Ref (+6)
- Since she got given away 2times to a new ranch already, she has lots of self issues, thinking, that nobody likes her
- Due to that, Lyna is alone most of the time, and even if someone wants to get closer to her, she just walks away