mistressali — Vampire Portrait

Published: 2004-06-02 06:46:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 1271; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 45
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Description A 'family portrait' of many of my vampire characters, dressed according to their time.

From left to right, at the top:
Maria, a kind healer nun, from the Renaissance.
Vincente, from Victorian times, a morbid guy with a habit of killing women to make into dolls.
Scar and Stitch, from mid-1980's, they aren't related biologically but they wish to look like each other, and so they do.
Deborah, just beneath Scar and Stitch, from the mid-1920's, seductive and deadly, who gets what she wants or else.
The Blind Oracles - the siamese twins, pagans from the dark ages. I haven't decided what their 'real' names will be yet.

Left to right, at the bottom:

Sydney, from modern times. Cocky and spoiled.
Brigit/Edric, from the 1860's, 'Wild West' - is actually a girl, but prior to becoming a vampire decided she'd rather be a boy and became a minor outlaw.
Jenna, from the 1950's, a sweet little girl with a few mental problems, who gets angry easily.
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Comments: 3

MayWild [2009-09-08 12:05:32 +0000 UTC]

thats amazing! I favoured it on elfwood, i never go on it now though.
One of my fave drawings xx

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quaid60 [2004-06-02 09:48:44 +0000 UTC]

I love all your ideas for the different characters, and ~bitwize is right... you draw them so well. Their faces are wonderful. I'm a little sad to see that was the form you chose for your conjoined twins (I liked the "closer" conjoinments better) but still happy to see them again, as well as Maria. So much to look at & compliment here... great work!

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bitwize [2004-06-02 07:12:51 +0000 UTC]

I lvoe the way you draw people. Especially women. Such perfect faces and bodies ^_^

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