✦ Jasper Buckley | 23 ✦CURRENT RANKUnranked
General Info
AppearanceRace: White
Height: 6’3
Weight: 150-185 lbs (Has a more feminine build; smaller waist. Twink at a glance. Does have muscle but it isn’t very visible; more lean.)
Eye Color: Green
Voice: No VC. Somewhat androgynous voice; more soft spoken. Lighter/airy/warm sorta voice. Southern accent (east Tennessee).
CompanionsCompanion One | Species | Bonuses
Companion Two | Species | Bonuses
Companion Three | Species | Bonuses
[ Selfless ] - [ Naive ] - [ Bit of a doormat ] - [ Anxious ] - [ Passionate ] - [ Book-smart ]
Personality Description Breakdown
Jasper grew up on a ranch and has been surrounded by ranch work and rodeos their whole life. As such, they are quite passionate about it. Once they are into something it is likely they stick with it and care a lot about it. They are selfless and caring to an extreme fault. This paired with being overly optimistic about other people (always seeing/assuming the best of others until proven otherwise) leaves them to appear naive at times. They’re not a very hard person to manipulate between this and being a people pleaser. Despite all this optimism, he is a rather anxious person. Especially when interacting with new people or in crowded areas. Very ironic given how long they’ve done rodeo for in front of crowds. The love for it overrides the anxiety in the moment but don’t be surprised if they’re all flustered after the fact when you try to compliment them on anything. They’re book-smart, not people-smart or street-smart.
Themesong: X
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Plants, animals, reading/books, painting/drawing, photography, astronomy (constellations!), rain/storms, music, fruit, their truck (it is their BABY).
Dislikes: Cold weather (they get cold super easy)
Stamina: 06/100
Control: 04/100
Technique: 03/100
Strength: 02/100
Performance: 05/100
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Template for Lonestar Broncs use ONLY!