Well this is going to be a destructive fight between these two.
Another request and this one from that wanted both Giga Mermaid and Empress Siren fighting each other in a kaiju style fight, all while unaware that Shantae and her friends and even Risky Boots are trapped on their bodies, that said, I can only squeeze so many things in the drawing without it looking like a clutter mess, so I just picked Shantae, Risky and Rootytops for the drawing, so hope that works. Kind of wondering how long it would take me to draw another Shantae character and with the Emperess Siren. And I only realized that I find it funny I've yet to draw Shantae herself in a gts situation, on the top of my head that I can remember, when I made drawing for the others, with Rotty having the most.
And speaking of gts situation, going to make this call now, next Shantae game that shows up and if a gts situation happens again, it going to have a weird Honey I shrunk the kids with the situation being where Shantae has to go inside the giantess to either get out or try to fetch something inside the giantess, and I'm going to make the bet that giantess will be Rottytops, both for comical sense and because it may make the most sense given Rottytops wanting to "jokingly(?)" eat people, including Shantae.
Anyways, hope you like the drawing, have a good day.