Character/person: Jere Pöyhönen aka Käärijä (he/him)
Surprise! I am still not over this green, little man x'D
So I've decided to make a sticker projects where I've drawn 13 sketches that I'll use to make these sticker like drawings that may or may not be printed as real stickers at some point :3
Would you look at that: another new-new sketch x'D
This one might be the most self indulgent of all the sketches because it comes from me stumbling into a store that was so dang käärijä coded I am surprised I didn't buy everything in there :'D
I decided to give the boy a bit of everything using the pictures I took from said store and here's the result of that little experiment x'D
I will not actually go back to use those sketches I've already made for the last three sketches x'D
This version is one is a bonus since I wanted to show him without the shirt (because I was a bit sad how the shirt hid most of my shading x'D) :3
Digital art from 08/30 2023