This is Jim. Do not tell anyone that he is a superhero. ;>
Jim Aka Viltruin the Brave Man at Heart
Description: Jim or as the public may call him “Valtriun” Viltruin? The point is that he is the supposed hero of Texas and the rest of the world. He is a smart person, I’ll give him that… out of all of these freaks he may be the purest out of all of them, which is probably bologna but that’s a story for another day. He has a white scarf and a costume that he designed from a few of his so-called “Favorite shows and inspirations” I will admit, it looks cool. There’s not much I can say about the way he looks, since he looks like a human just like an average young adult, in which his age is 23. And finally, they have a helmet that can scan his environment and check on his fast metabolism with a small alarm.
Personality: As I said, he has pretty understandable leadership skills but I can consider him to be helpful and informative. He even encouraged me to ask more questions about him, it’s a breath of fresh air I’ll say. But sometimes he likes to put others over himself and I find that admirable.
Character Theme: Male vers. ( ) Female Vers. ( )
Musical cues when Jim fights back: ( ) cue when Jim finally surpasses his obstacles and powers up )
Ruin’s Theme: (… ) when Jim finally surpasses his thoughts and powers up: (… )
[Non-Canon] Nitro’s/Dark Jim theme: ( ) “Credit to Pscychosinked for Nitro’s suit design concept”
Race: A Humanoid Construct shaped into [Redacted]’s image and brave personality
Origin: He spoke English and Gretle language all his life
Height: "5,9.5"
-Super strength but his limits are hit when he tries to lift over one building, in which he can’t lift a building.
- Average Indestructibility, but I have seen him bleed… well, as they say, “if it bleeds, we can kill it."
-Super leaps, now that’s corny.
-He can Sew? Helps out the environment? These aren’t abilities, Jim.
2nd form abilities:
-Super speed? How ironic.
-electric bolt strikes and electricity manipulation
-Can transform by saying “Speed Form?” … This frickin- ughh…
-He can absorb the kinetic energy of any being and transfer it to his own speed.
-It seems like Jim is still training to earn new potential abilities that may prove useful. Good luck, I guess.
Backstory/Bio: He claims that he is part of the Courage portion of the brain… whatever that means… he doesn’t know how he was born or where he came from but I don’t think any of these freaks have an excuse to say that they have amnesia… … *sigh* more work on my part… especially since the cult wont tell me about where they came from.
When Jim first stepped foot onto Earth after a few years of the cult keeping them away. They all soon discovered that in order to unlock the one they lost, they needed to let the group born out of [Subject: JKB]. They grew past their friend however and let the group known as "The Splitten" live out their own lives. They saw that Jay had great results with Metal and decided to let the robot keep the splitten for safe keeping as well as using Metal’s knowledge to teach them to become better. All six members of the splitten represent the Personality of a former Crusader. Not much is known or even where this Ancient Galactic Guard is? But from old scriptures, they resemble that of armor. (Research on this Guard is ongoing.)
Jim, now known as Jim Silver after Metal Silver’s name, is a twenty year old male that used to go to school at Churchill High School and graduated from Texas A&M. He was not an average man, however, he discovered that he had abnormal capabilities right when he hit puberty since their arrival to earth for all the splitten was when he was eighteen and was told to keep them a secret and use them for when he needs them. After he graduated he had a stable life through school and was able to meet a lot of friends along the way. His friend, Bryan Tuco helped shape who he would soon become in the future. Contrary to popular belief, Jim was always a normal individual that knew that he was an alien but to his heart he grew up on earth, being just an everyday guy, he never once knew about how to become a superhero until his friend showed him many of his dad’s favorite comics, shows, and even passion projects.
The black haired male was so inspired by his favorite media and the constant rampant issues plaguing the world as well as his friends as well as his own powers in order to become something more. He wants to inspire people to act kind and he wants for people to stay calm in a more infested, nihilistic world. His friend was the closest thing to a friend and family member that he ever had besides his own brothers, in whom he respects and loves dearly. So, he got started on a hero suit after countless tries of making his own homemade suit, since his homemade one didn’t work out so well after purchasing many material from a store. So, Jim sewed and created the suit himself while Metal made the HUD for his helmet in conjunction with his suit. Bryan's mother showed him how to sew along with metal and that is how he was able to graph the design of his personal suit.
But with ambition in his eyes and metal by his side, he now works at a local Delivery Job as a Mailman by day! But at Night, he becomes the Brave Man at Heart! Valtruin. He fights crime out of the kindness and bravery of his heart and makes the city a better place. And last but certainly not least, Bryan gave him his white scarf to wear as a memento of their friendship and as a good luck charm. Godspeed Valtruin.
Quote - “Remember everyone. Always stay kind. That is the one thing that everyone should be. We are all not perfect, but one truly kind act will always spark another.”
Wave 1 [Subjects 3/6]