The deep mind imaging done to XR is spooky
XR01 had JSR's mind imaged to her radial unit, so she acts just like the real thing in simulation mode, but in standard mode, no, she is something like XJ88 and XJ222
her power ramps up with the unlock, she does not hold back and becomes the fully realized strongest vuldran superweapon to ever exist. PROVEN to be able to use the solid light guard to redirect black holes, she has the answer no other weapon or vuldra has, other chassis cant do it, and vuldra drain all energy in seconds during its use. But combine Siroc's massive star core reserves and non biological status, she can manage a few good uses of it.
its hard to illustrate just how big a deal JSR is to the vuldra and the universe. when she ended up destroyed entierly, it spelled certain doom for all anyone ever fought for.