— Page 11 Ch 1 -Lioa-
2005-11-21 13:13:50 +0000 UTC
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“Your da was talking about cutting your hair to Misses Gregory’s mum and Misses Gregory’s mum agreed... they want to cut your lovely hair.” he reached up and took a handful of her strawberry golden hair and rubbed it through his fingers, his brown eyes sullen.
“Don’t worry, Jaten, I won’t let them... just for you.” Kenya smiled and blessed his head then walked off. I wonder if Greg already knew they would cut my hair... I can’t let them, they will cut it short knowing father. Walking in to the stables she heard the servants talking hurriedly over a sickly cow... oh please don’t let it be Slivy...
“How is she, Picard, will she be okay?” Even asked of him looking at Kenya with her bucket to milk the only cow they had. Even rushed over to Kenya, his red bangs flying up and flopping back down as he trotted, and slowly took the bucket.
“I’m sorry but you won’t be having butter for a while, Miss Kenya.” Even lowered his pale blue eyes and turned his head.
“Why? Please tell me that is not my, Slivy... Oh, Even!” Kenya threw her arms over the young man. Later this year he would be going away to school to be the blacksmith’s apprentice he even looked to be the smiths son with slightly broad shoulders and a little chin hair.
“I know, but she might not make it out happily…” cows were important. Very important when they are needed to offer to the King. He has been asking for cows and chickens lately and if their cow died and their turn came they might get Punished.
“What happens if we are chosen next? Oh, Even!” Kenya’s tears were staining his over coat. She looked over his shoulder to see Picard smiling sadly and holding a baby calf.
“Oh, Picard, how terribly awful to make me worry so!” Kenya scolded letting go of Even and pushing past him.
“Sorry, milady, you are the very one who tricked your self... Even just comforted you and you played your own part.” Picard smiled and told her that Slivy will be well but that she shouldn’t jump ahead in her conclusions like that.
“Picard, you are horrid.” Kenya turned around to see Jaten smiling at her and she kissed his forehead and walked out of the stables. Behind her she just heard Jaten say something to Picard.
“You really like her don’t you, Picard, have you told her yet?”
“You know, as much as anyone, that I would do anything for her, Jaten... so lets clean this calf off and find Kenya later and have her name it...” that was all she heard before her father called her in.
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mercgirl - Page One -Lioa-