mentemori — Bartleby Black - Satanic Panic

Published: 2018-08-26 02:48:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 672; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 2
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Name: Bartleby Black (Referred to by some circles as The Lanternbearer or The Westward Road)

Age: 347

Gender: Male (Intersex)

Species: Baphomet

Occupation: Aspiring Warlock… currently, a substitute teacher… for fifth graders.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Single


+ Meticulous +Proud +Friendly +Generous +Hardworking +Playful +Passionate

-Introverted -Nervous -Aloof -Disorganized -Temperamental -Naive


Bartleby Black never had a childhood -- in truth, he was never actually born. At least, not in the traditional sense. In the mid 1600’s few scattered settlements and families in rural New England turned to wild and black prayer in order to maintain their livelihood. Dried corn and sick cattle would find new health with misplaced faith, alien ritual, and meager sacrifice. They did not have a name for the entity to which their prayed -- but swirling, stray energy from Hell’s surface heard them all the same. Over the years, through the belief and continued worship of those witches, an entity would be born of their faith.

A red glare in the eye of a goat. A lit candle when no soul was there to tend to it.

The signs of Bartleby’s life were small at first -- but he was able to influence the lives of his devotees to some extent. The witches who prayed to The Lanternbearer would find themselves host to improved luck, health, and fortune. The extent of Bartleby’s influence was small indeed -- but it was enough for those struggling souls. The nameless figure would come to serve as a sort of guardian spirit -- symbolizing hope for those families.

When the Witch Trials began to rage, however, The Coven of The Lanternbearer could not stay where they had built their lives. They formed a caravan and headed east to then unconquered lands. They’d eventually find themselves in what would be considered Texas… New Mexico… Arizona. The lantern on the head of their train, curiously, never required additional fuel.

The days were long, and the nights cold. The caravan found little comfort on their journey and continued westward despite dwindling supply and illness. One night, as they all lay to sleep in the cold desert air -- many of them would never wake. Disease weakened their bodies, minds, and souls. Many froze to death -- not expecting such a fate. Those who remained… prayed to their guardian for some sort of salvation. Though, they would soon follow their companions. Bartleby held not the power to stop the elements, overpower death, or cure hunger.

The caravan would succumb to the will of the Earth -- and their story faded into obscurity. As the carts decayed and fell to ash, a dark figure would emerge from the rubble. Bartleby, summoned by faith and the death of those that made him, walked off into the night.

There were rumors of a goat-headed man to be found at deserted roads -- gesturing to lost travelers the way to safety… Stories of the creature eventually travelled back East.

Bartleby returned to the region from whence he came.


  • Coffee

  • Scented Candles

  • Small sacrifices and offerings in his name

  • Witches

  • Sweets

  • Clean fur and healthy hooves

  • Loud music

  • Nosy people

  • Water

  • Being teased


  • Bartleby is not a powerful demon by any stretch -- the most he can really muster is a feeling of confidence and good luck. His gut feeling usually leads him along -- mostly because he is incredibly anxious and constantly wary of unfortunate outcomes.

  • Bartleby can be summoned by:

    • Drawing a summoning circle on a flat surface with ash.

    • Placing candles (each made with the fat of five different goats) on each point of the pentagram.

    • Light a maple branch -- no longer than two feet.

    • Light each candle (counter-clockwise starting with the bottom point) with the lit branch -- if the flame on the branch goes out  before completion, put out each candle and attempt it once more.

    • Whisper his name and believe him to present.

  • Bartleby will be unable to leave the summoning circle until it is broken.

  • Bartleby is intersex and possesses developed breasts, wide hips, and both male and female genitalia.

  • Bartleby’s speaks with two voices -- one masculine and one feminine.  


Poor bitch!! Poor bitch!!

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Comments: 3

Moro456 [2018-08-27 22:42:59 +0000 UTC]

I wish to summon him so I can give him candles and treats and make him my friend.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Meowmixer723 [2018-08-26 07:32:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tortaleenie [2018-08-26 05:35:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0